In the short intervals between wars, nations try to live in peace. In the twentieth century, wars have become world wars, involving dozens of countries and millions of people. Casualties and destruction are increasing, and tens of millions of people are dying. Yet, paradoxically, the world’s population is growing. Since the era of world wars began, it has quadrupled – from two billion to eight billion. And with such population growth, new wars are already being fought over natural resources that are not enough for everyone. We can invent alternative energy sources, and build cities in the desert, but potatoes and grain grown on clean soil remain natural products for human survival, they cannot be replaced by synthetic ones. Humanity is powerless to stop wars, and in this dance of death, it is dragging itself to the edge of the abyss. This is the reality and we all cannot avoid falling into this abyss.
In forming the first republic in history, the people of the United States of America sought to live in harmony with all other nations without war. In their Constitution, the Americans forbade an elected leader from starting or going to war without the consent of the people. The elected representatives of the people who made up the government could only declare war on whoever attacked America first. But there is no limit to the cunning and ingenuity of the human mind. After a while, the politicians figured out how to start war first without violating the Constitution. All you have to do is provoke the intended victim into attacking first. And the Founding Fathers’ naïve dream of empowering the citizens of the Republic to control their government remained a dream. In the struggle for world leadership and the planet’s natural resources, the ambitious politicians of the Republic of America have more than once provoked military conflicts into war. The most famous of these took place in the twentieth century:
- 1913. The First World War and the subsequent revolutions that destroyed the monarchies in Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary were instigated by politicians and financed by bankers in Europe and America. One of the main aims of the revolution in the Russian Empire was to weaken its power and, of course, control its natural resources.
- 1921. Initiatives by President Woodrow Wilson’s delegation (up to 120 bankers arrived in Versailles) to divide up the territories and resources of Germany, which had been defeated in the First World War, laid the mine for a new world war.
- 1941. The tragedy of Pearl Harbor was provoked by President Roosevelt’s ultimatum to Japan, which threatened to deprive it of its natural resources and military power in the Pacific. The attack on the U.S. naval base by Japan, an ally of Germany, became an argument for the U.S. Congress to send the U.S. Army to Europe on behalf of the American people. The day Japan attacked the American base was the day the war became a world war from a European war.
- 1948. The Hot War is followed by the Cold War. Its main motives were to stop the expansion of Stalinist communism and, of course, overseas natural resources. For this war, the military specialists of Hitler’s Germany were recruited, three hundred thousand specialists, a third of a million. Hitler’s General Gehlen became the chief recruiter, and many of the recruited specialists were Nazis. The General presented his new masters with a plan for the military threat of the USSR, which became the main argument and prerequisite for the beginning of the Cold War. 1948 was the year of the creation of the CIA, an external agency of the USA whose specific purpose was to create the conditions for economic crises and military coups in different countries to eliminate the Marxist threat and subordinate these countries to America. By the end of the twentieth century, the Pax Americana had more than 700 military bases on continents, and small, and large islands, all over the planet.
- 1950. Provocation of the Korean conflict was an excuse for Congress to send Americans into a new war in which thousands of them died, but the goal was achieved – the war split Korea in two, and America’s new missile bases appeared on the Pentagon’s maps. New colonies with their natural resources.
- 1962. Operation ‘Northern Jungle’, a plan to invade Cuba. The architect of the plan was Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA. The plan was to sink an American passenger ship in Cuban waters and destroy a passenger plane in the island’s airspace. All this was to give the US Congress an excuse to send troops to intervene in Cuba. The President of the United States was John F Kennedy. After learning of the plan for the operation, he sacked Allen Dulles as director of the CIA and decided to disband the whole organization, having realized how powerful and dangerous it was becoming for America itself. He was killed for it.
- 1964. The Vietnam War was launched under Lyndon Johnson, who had become president after the assassination of John F Kennedy. The report to Congress was that Vietnamese military boats had attacked American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. But what were American warships doing in foreign waters? Congress, in the name of the people, sent American boys to die in the jungle. The Vietnam War, which lasted eight years and killed millions of Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans, brought no benefits to the people of both countries but enriched the US military industry, which gained access to Asian oil, nickel, iron ore, and other resources.
- 1990. The end of the Cold War meant the beginning of the dismantling of US military bases around the world and the loss of control over the resources of many countries. The Pentagon’s war machine had ground to a halt and needed a new war.
11 September 2001. The provocation of a new war happened. It killed 3.000 Americans on US territory. In front of the whole nation, defiantly, brazenly, brutally.
After the incident, the American government told its citizens a story of conspiracy. Allegedly, Islamic extremists had carried out their long-standing plan to kill as many Americans as possible. To this end, they sent a group of suicide hijackers to America who, after commandeering several passenger planes, used two of them to destroy the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan and a third to attack the Pentagon, the center of military planning and protection of the state. The fourth plane, which was supposed to hit the White House in Washington, D.C., missed its target and crashed somewhere in Pennsylvania. The American government regarded this attack as a declaration of war, which soon began in the territories of the chosen enemy, with the approval of the American people, represented by their representatives in Congress. For ordinary Americans, this tale of conspiracy became a “fact of history”, no different from the fiction of Hollywood directors, masters of creating screen fiction.

The complete silence and distortion of the facts about what happened in America in September 2001 have caused drama not only in the families of those who died in that tragedy but also thrown many intelligence professionals, scientific experts, architects, engineers, writers, and journalists into despair. Patriots and defenders of the Constitution of the Republic have spent more than a decade searching for answers. The results of their investigations have been published on the pages of dozens of websites, and hundreds of their questions have resonated in the pages of hundreds of books. Thousands of experts have called on the government to re-investigate what happened in America in September 2001.
There is a truism: if the government refutes the facts presented, demands new evidence, and refutes it again, it recognizes the dubiousness of its conclusions. That is why the US government did not launch an investigation or enter into a debate. The government was silent, it needed time to bury the truth in the memory of the people. The press was instructed to brand all publications and studies by patriotic Americans as just another “conspiracy theory” and invite the average citizen to laugh at them.
The tactic of silence worked – twenty years later, the tragedy was forgotten, and many Internet sites that published obvious facts simply disappeared, were blocked, or closed.
Imagine scientific experts sticking their noses under the skin of a giant animal and trying to determine what kind of animal they are looking at. They put samples of its fur under the microscope, shake diplomas and awards in heated arguments to confirm the validity of their conclusions – in short, they use the scientific approach. But it is worth taking a few steps back to see the elephant in all its glory. The terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 was presented to ordinary people as just such an elephant. Ordinary people speculated in confusion. The press and television frightened them with images of the terrorists waiving sabers in caves in the East, preparing to invade America. Scientific experts, shovels in hand, wanted to dig through the wreckage of the World Trade Centre. But they weren’t allowed in.

US President George Bush Jr. summed up the public’s speculation and curiosity when he said: “They attacked us because they don’t like our freedoms…”.
After the fire was extinguished, the wreckage was raked up and shipped to China for melting, away from the microscope-wielding curious scientists. What President Bush meant by the pronoun “they” and who exactly he was declaring war on remained unclear, but the declaration of war put an end to all investigations. After all, if a major war is authorized, why waste money and time investigating a minor episode..?
Journalists have compared the tragedy of 9/11/2001 to the Japanese attack on the American military base in Hawaii on 7/12/1941. If, in exploring this parallel, they had asked Bush’s opinion about the reason for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, they would probably have gotten the answer: “They attacked us because we don’t like their stupid sushi”.
The US president’s opinion on the causes of the tragedy on American soil, known as “Black Tuesday”, satisfied only those whose lives pass between the kitchen stove and the toilet. It was to them that Bush appealed with a proposal to stop shaking in fear and return to their daily lives, promising that the government would investigate what had happened and punish those responsible.
Researchers have linked the tragedy of ‘Black Tuesday’ to that of Pearl Harbor, finding parallels that go back to the same roots. Studying these parallels, it is logical to conclude that to eliminate the likelihood of such tragedies repeating themselves, it is necessary to find and destroy the roots of the same problem. The problem lies in the imperialism of consciousness, and the roots of this disease will give rise to new shoots. In one of my publications, I called this disease ‘imperial syphilis’. This disease infects the blood destroys the bones, affects the brain, and paralyzes thinking.
Half a century after the attack on Pearl Harbor, researchers have found ample evidence that American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew of the impending Japanese attack 11 days before it struck the US naval base. It has also been revealed that not only did Roosevelt fail to take defensive measures, but he also ensured that his military commanders did not thwart the Japanese in their devious plan. Roosevelt wanted this to happen. The search for an answer to this question revealed the motives behind the American president’s behavior in 1941, which allowed the Japanese to kill thousands of American sailors and destroy eighteen ships of the American navy.
The events of the long-ago war and the post-war world that followed that tragedy revealed more about Roosevelt’s intentions than all the classified documents put together. Roosevelt would not be judged by posterity many decades after his death. Generations have changed, and the grandchildren of those who died in that war no longer remember it, or know nothing about it. The descendants tacitly forgave their former president for the events of long ago, thus justifying his act, committed against the people, but for their good. A crime committed for the good? But this is the way to justify Hitler, Stalin, and many others who killed millions and sent millions more to their deaths for the happiness of future generations. …
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, US President Roosevelt was authorized by Congress to enter the war. From that moment on, he could act without fear of world condemnation for the monstrous destruction that American aviation began to wreak in Germany. Massive air raids had killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. Demoralizing the enemy by annihilating its civilian population became a favorite tactic of the Americans in all subsequent wars.
Former U.S. President George W. Bush, whose presidency was marked by “Black Tuesday,” expects the same oblivion and forgiveness from descendants that the socialist Roosevelt received from them. It is no coincidence that in one of his public speeches, to avoid accusations and reproaches from his fellow citizens, Bush dropped a phrase about the judgment of history, which he recognized instead of the judgment of his contemporaries.
You can believe the power of propaganda of lies, in 50 years it will be so. And the truth about the crime committed in 2001 will be tacitly forgiven by the next, yet-to-be-born generation of Americans.
The Patriot Act, which curtailed Americans’ constitutional freedoms, was drafted by President Clinton BEFORE the beginning new war for resources, and approved by Congress AFTER ‘Black Tuesday’.
This act neutered the Constitution and established government dictatorship at every level of society. The Declaration of the Founding Fathers, which until recently guaranteed the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the United States of America, was consigned to the archives. The founders of the United States were educated but naïve romantics.
Thomas Jefferson was both a dreamer and a realist. In his work, he warned posterity that future politicians would seek to dictate power and minimize the rights of the citizens of the republic guaranteed by the Declaration. When the founders of the new nation debated the choice of government between a constitutional monarchy and a republic, the most experienced of them, Benjamin Franklin, when proposing to his colleagues a republic in place of the British constitutional monarchy, added: “If it succeeds in holding…”. He too was a pessimistic realist.

Junius Brutus Stearns’ 1856 painting George Washington Addressing the Constitutional Convention.
It was a GREAT ROMANTIC EXPERIMENT, an attempt to make man free.
There is a wise observation of the ancients, confirmed by centuries of practice:
“…The road to hell is paved with good intentions…”.
In this story of historical parallels, America has been suggested. But if we add a list of Soviet Russia’s military conflicts, the parallels continue and lead the reader to a logical conclusion:
1918 Ukraine
1920 Poland and Azerbaijan
1921 Georgia
1929 China
1938 Japan
1939 Poland and Finland
1940 Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
1946 China
1950 Korea and China
1956 Hungary
1968 Czechoslovakia
1975 Angola
1977 Ethiopia
1979 Afghanistan
1988 and 1990 Azerbaijan
1989 and 1991 Georgia
1991 Lithuania
1992 Moldova, Georgia, Tajikistan, Ingushetia
1994 and 1999 Chechnya and Dagestan
2008 Georgia
2014 and 2022 Ukraine.

All empires are the same in their goals. All Soviet people, be they politicians, industrialists, bankers, businessmen, or just ordinary people, try to imitate America in absolutely everything. But they succeed only in negativity. To create positivity you need brains and experience. But if people have neither, they will try to steal from others.
And if we leave aside the examples of parallels and try to find an answer to the question of why some people live well and others live badly, we can answer it in one paragraph.
The people who elect their leaders deserve the fate their elected leaders give them. And while the United States of America has a constitution and a body empowered to oversee the observance of that constitution by its elected leaders, the Soviet people have no such body. That is why in Soviet Russia the politicians play their own game, which has nothing to do with the law. And they will continue to play it as long as the people who elected them remain.
I like this web site it’s a master piece! Glad I found this on google.