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HEMINGWAY BRILLIANTS (writers of the “lost generation”).

A legendary man, an adventurer who passionately loved life in all its forms, a participant in two world wars. Journalist, writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. His works “Farewell, Arms”, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, “A Holiday That Will Always Be with You”, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, “The Old Man and the Sea” are read by people all over the world. He is with us in this world. Millions of grateful readers have written enthusiastic responses to his novels and short stories, admiring and marveling at the unfolding of the narrative. Hundreds of fastidious critics have deconstructed his work in minute detail, talking about the writer’s artistic style and writing technique. But none have written about how something was conceived in the writer’s mind, came out of his pen, and became a masterpiece…

Celebrity came to Hemingway after publishing his first novel, “Farewell, Arms”. He spent ten years working on this world war novel, which he completed in 1929. The country was in crisis, millions of Americans were losing their jobs and America was plunged into the darkness that historians call the Great Depression. In those hard times, Americans watched every dollar, but Hemingway’s novel sold millions of copies.
And it was a popular recognition of his talent. Despite the hard times, the sale and filming of the novel ensured the author’s financial well-being for the next adventurous decades of his life.

When I read his stories and novels, I had this amazing feeling of being beside his characters, empathizing with their dramas. Only someone who has been one of them can touch the reader’s soul in this way. Over the years, as I reread Hemingway’s novels that once captured my imagination, my thoughts returned to the phenomenon of the writer. As an aspiring writer, I wanted to find out how and thanks to what a journalist who wrote about the criminal chronicles of the city’s gangland districts, who reported from the front line, woke up one morning to find that he had become America’s most famous writer.

I knew all this from publications about the writer. But no one had written about that precious spark of genius that destiny gives only once to one of many, or perhaps once a century to a chosen one. It is said that those who seek will always find. Perhaps not always. The search is worth many years, and many do not live long to see the results.

I’ve changed several countries in my life, and my women and tastes have changed too. But the books of my favorite writers have always been with me, wherever I have been. One day, on my next adventure, I became fascinated by the Caribbean and decided to drop anchor, realizing that this was where I belonged.
It was early morning and the sun was breaking through the pink clouds on the horizon. The sea was calm and warm, I jumped in and sank to the bottom where there was a blissful coolness. Enjoying it as long as I had enough air in my lungs, I floated to the surface, moving my limbs lazily like a crab on hot sand. At the time, I was busy writing an essay on the anniversary of my favorite writer, and my mind was in creative chaos.

Suddenly, in this chaos, Napoleon appeared. Yes, that one Corsican, or rather a little episode from his life at the front. On one of those early mornings when his army was preparing to take the fight to the enemy, one of the marshals asked the Emperor about the battle plan.
Napoleon smiled: “A plan? Let’s begin the fight and then we’ll see!”
A brilliant decision by the greatest commander of all time! And suddenly it hit my mind! That’s exactly how Hemingway was up with the plot for his next masterpiece! It’s no secret that all creative people – writers and poets, musicians and artists – know the power of inspiration. Their heightened sensitivity can catch this magic and under its spell, they create something beyond control, and not given to ordinary people. The appearance of inspiration can be provoked by alcohol or other drugs. Famous psychiatrists explain this harmful addiction of the creative elite by saying that the drug puts the human psyche to sleep, pierces a hole in it, and allows the imagination to penetrate the other side of the forbidden line, and scoop up there what is desirable, inaccessible. Not everyone manages to return, and many remain forever in that mysterious labyrinth…

Such a journey is not for everyone. A simpleton will not compose a symphony or write a novel after being drugged with vodka. Same with an ordinary madman, who is always behind the line where a person with a normal psyche cannot go. The border of the madman’s psyche is blurred, his mind comes back to him for a short time, but then it leaves him again. Such psychiatrists are jokingly called “borderline lunatics”. An idiot’s speech and actions are incomprehensible and frighten normal people. It is no coincidence that in ancient Egypt madmen were considered prophets and treated with reverence. But I digressed here.

Ernest Hemingway was a regular at beer halls and bars, he loved loud company. And by putting himself in a certain frame of mind, he could easily cross the forbidden line. He loved to take risks, and Lady Luck favored him. That is why he always returned from a dangerous journey with an idea or a plot for a new story.
What is written must always be re-read and re-edited. What is written emotionally must be edited many times. Hemingway was very demanding of his writing. After writing down what inspiration dictated, he edited what he wrote, returning to it many times, even years later. This long and painful process is called creativity. While working on his novel “A Farewell to Arms”, Hemingway rewrote the last part of it at least seventeen times. And chapters of the novel were edited over two hundred times.

Millions of years ago, deep in the Earth’s crust, a piece of opaque carbon glass was subjected to enormous pressure and once pushed to the surface by volcanic magma, where it was found and fell into the hands of a jeweler. In the same way that a jeweler patiently grinds the facets of a diamond to produce a sparkling diamond of marvelous clarity, Hemingway endlessly polished his masterpieces. He wanted them to be diamonds in the library of world literature!

The people acknowledged Hemingway. He was called the greatest writer of his time. He took the credit. But he didn’t just want to be the best of his contemporaries. He wanted to be the best of the best, including all the writers of the past! He was ambitious because he was an American. No other nation in the world has that quality of soul, and Miss Ambition, is what made America great.

One of the secrets of writing is to be patient, to let your emotions cool down, and to let your feelings rest from what you’ve written. And to return to the text later, to read the pages through the eyes of the reader. This is exactly how Hemingway was, as he mentioned in a letter to his friend and publisher Maxwell Perkins:
“I’m going to finish ‘A Farewell to Arms’ as fast as I can, then forget about it for two or three months and start editing… I need to cool off before I start…”.

The heroes of Hemingway’s works do seemingly crazy things, but, according to the writer, it is madness that leads them to the goal and encourages them not to give up in the face of difficulties. At the same time, his stories are always deeply human, very lyrical, and touch the soul – whether it is a story about the horrors of war or about a deadly fight between a bull and a matador.

The writer’s favorite heroes are hunters, fishermen, sportsmen, boxers, and soldiers. They do not complain about life, do not expect pity, show courage, and know how to stand up for themselves while remaining honest and noble even towards the enemy. Hemingway portrayed his heroes in an extreme situation when their character is revealed and the most intimate corners of the soul are exposed…
In his youth, Hemingway read a lot: Tolstoy, Turgenev, Flaubert, and Crane. He studied their styles to find his own, to create something that no one had done before him. And he could do this in the story for which he won the Nobel Prize.

On his return to Cuba in 1952, he wrote ‘The Old Man and the Sea’. In this story, he continued the theme of indomitable courage, resilience, and inner victory even in the face of defeat. The story was a huge success. Hemingway himself joked and evaded discussion with the press. In a 1954 interview, he said: “I tried to give a real old man and a real boy, a real sea, real fish and real sharks. And if I have done that well enough and truthfully enough, then I am satisfied. It is difficult to create something true, and sometimes more true than the truth itself”.

Talking about his novel, Hemingway shared the secret of creativity:
“In literature, a writer is limited by what has been done satisfactorily before. I said to myself that I had to try something different. First, I tried to leave out everything that wasn’t important, to try to convey my experience to the readers so that when they read my story it would become part of their experience and seem to have happened. This is very difficult to achieve and I worked very hard at it. Anyway, this time I was lucky enough to convey what I had in mindfully, and yet it’s something that no one has ever conveyed…”.

At the Nobel Prize ceremony in 1954, Hemingway said: “True writing is a solitary business… The writer works alone… We have had so many great creators in the past that the modern writer must go far beyond those limits beyond which no one can help him”.

Every writer collects stories. “The Old Man and the Sea”, and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” were born from stories that Ernest Hemingway heard. And he could tell them as if he had been there. Observations on life and original thoughts expressed in short form are called aphorisms. They are found in every writer, reflect his philosophy, and help us to understand the intention of his works.
Here are a few by Hemingway:

  • Of all animals, only man can laugh, although he has the least reason to laugh.
  • Intelligent people are rarely happy.
  • Don’t get discouraged. Never get discouraged. The secret to my success is that I never get discouraged. I never get discouraged in public.
  • Only travel with people you love.
  • Don’t judge a man by his friends. Remember that Judas’ friends were irreproachable.
  • What hinders a writer? Drink, women, money and ambition. And the absence of drink, women, money, and ambition.”
  • Happiness is good health and bad memory.
  • He who boasts of learning or scholarship has neither.
  • It is not difficult to settle down when you have nothing to lose.
  • There are so many women in the world to sleep with and so few to talk to.
  • The world is a good place, worth fighting for, and I hate to leave it.


Unlike most writers of his time, Hemingway preferred to work standing up. He spent hours at his desk writing. On one good day, he writes off seven pencils, moving only to shift his weight from one foot to another. He believed that standing was good for productivity. His typewriter stood on a bookcase, which he called his “desk”.
Although this was the golden age of Hollywood, Hemingway, unlike most writers, steadfastly refused to write for the screen. He did not, however, object to his work being filmed. And if he had, we would never have seen ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’, ‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’, ‘The Killers’, ‘A Farewell to Arms’ and many more.
After seeing the 1958 film ‘The Old Man and the Sea’, Hemingway was disappointed. He was critical of actor Spencer Tracy’s performance, saying he looked more like a rich old actor than a poor Cuban fisherman. Tracy had the last laugh, however, as he was nominated for an Oscar for his performance.

Ernest Hemingway, even in his younger years as a journalist, developed the principles that he followed throughout his life. Here are a few:

  • Get up early in the morning and get to work.
  • Stop when you’re still inspired, when the work is going well and you know what’s coming next. If you do that when you’re working on a novel, you’ll never get stuck, you’ll never lose inspiration. That’s one of the most valuable things I can pass on…
  • Giving yourself completely (…after finishing a story I always felt devastated, I felt sad and happy, like saying goodbye to a woman after intimacy…).
  • For the rest of the day, don’t think about the text, just read.
  • Choose simple, honest sentences, the truest sentence you know. I thought for a long time about one such true sentence and everything that came after it. This true sentence came from what I had seen, heard, and experienced. If I tried to write exquisitely and floridly, as some writers do, I would have to cross it all out, throw it away, and start the narrative with a true, simple sentence I had already written…

He once jokingly advised an aspiring writer: “Write drunk, edit sober”. When I studied the writer’s techniques and his writing style, I knew that this advice was not a joke. Hemingway knew the magical power of this commandment of his and it was a rule in his work. He wrote when inspiration came and let it go, editing what he wrote when his emotions cooled.

Although Hemingway began writing at the age of 12, it was not until he was 26 that he wrote a truly serious and large book. Before that, he wrote short stories and reports.
His principle as a writer was to write about what he knew well. That is why all of Hemingway’s novels are plausible and based on real events. The writer remembered the events of his life, gave them an artistic form, and added a little fiction.
For him, the most important thing was to be in the thick of things and describe everything he saw and experienced in the greatest detail. So he rushed to Europe, where the Great War was raging. Then to Spain, where a civil war was raging. Later another world war and Hemingway was there again, in the trenches. And then Spain again and bullfighting, safaris in Africa, and lion hunting.



Combining his bravery with his love of the sea, Hemingway used a private boat during the Second World War to hunt down German submarines that appeared in Caribbean waters. His boat, the Pilar, was equipped with high-frequency direction-finding equipment and carried a trusty Thompson machine gun and hand grenades. Hemingway thought that if he spotted a submarine, he would not wait for a warship or aircraft, but would risk attacking it and then escape. Naive and desperate, he never faced the might of the German navy to see if this plan would work. It would not work.

A $10 BET.

Hemingway was an avid bettor, but the bet was always $10, a notional amount. He once bet his friends that a grizzly bear could fight an African lion. To prove it, Hemingway came up with a crazy scheme. He hired one of Crandall’s locals and they dug a deep hole in the area where he had once hunted. They covered the hole with branches, put down bait, and waited. Soon a bear appeared and fell into their trap. They tied it up and dragged it into a cage. Then the poor grizzly was taken to Las Vegas, where an African lion was waiting for him. The grizzly was put in the ring and within seconds he killed the lion. Hemingway won his crazy bet. Was it worth ten dollars? It was worth the triumph of Hemingway, the winner of the bet.
Although Hemingway ate porcupines, shot bears, had them fight lions, and flew to Spain to watch bullfights, he loved animals! At his homestead in Key West, Florida, there were fifty-two cats, sixteen dogs, a couple of hundred pigeons, and three cows. Hemingway had a weakness for cats, especially those with six toes on each paw. These cats are now known as “Hemingway Cats”.


It is said that Hemingway once bet $10 over lunch with writer friends that he could write a novel in six words that would touch anyone. He scribbled the words “Children’s shoes for sale, never worn” on a napkin and let it run across the table. This story has long been a popular example for teachers to use when teaching the craft of writing. But a similar story appeared in a newspaper as early as 1906, attributed to O. Henry. There is no evidence that Hemingway’s wager took place, or that he ever wrote or even talked about it. Yes, it fits his style, but a literary agent attributed it to Hemingway in 1974. In any case, the story is still a good lesson in minimalism for all writers.


He was very fond of champagne. He drank it ice-cold, freezing the glass beforehand. He even invented a cocktail by mixing absinthe with champagne, which he named after one of his novels, Death in the Afternoon. The cocktail is also known as ‘Hemingway’s Champagne’.

Hemingway was once angered by the disdain for champagne shown by his guests, who left an unfinished bottle on the table. He made them return to the table and finish the bottle. It was said of Hemingway by friends with a smile that he “…could think of no better way to spend money than on champagne”.

Of all the eclectic items displayed at the Ernest Hemingway House Museum in Key West, Florida’s southernmost island, the most unusual is a bar urinal that the writer turned into a garden fountain. Hemingway snatched the urinal from his favorite bar, Sloppy Joe’s, after deciding he had “pissed” enough money into it to take it home!


In 1954 Hemingway cheated death again, surviving two plane crashes in two days. As a Christmas present for his wife Mary, he booked a sightseeing flight over the Belgian Congo. Descending low so passengers could photograph Murchison Falls, the plane hit an abandoned pole and crashed into the thick bush. Hemingway dislocated his shoulder and Mary broke two ribs.
The next day they boarded a second plane for medical treatment in Entebbe, but it caught fire on the runway. When the couple were found after this second crash, Ernest emerged from the undergrowth… with a bunch of bananas and a bottle of gin. In these two accidents, Hemingway had ruptured his liver, spleen, and kidney, and suffered a fractured skull when he hit his head on a jammed door.
A headline in the local newspaper announced his death before he even reached Entebbe, and imagine the world’s surprise when he rose from the dead!
These two brushes with death allowed Hemingway to read an obituary about himself.


When Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 for his story “The Old Man and the Sea”, his great respect for Castro and his fascination with Cuba led him to decide to give the medal to the Cuban people and to donate it to the Catholic Church in the Sanctuary of El Cobre.
It was rumored that Hemingway and Cuban leader Fidel Castro were friends. But they only met once, briefly, in May 1960, on Hemingway’s annual fishing trip. Despite this, Castro always had great respect for the writer.
But in 1986 the medal was stolen from a church. After an ultimatum from Raul Castro, the thieves returned it. The medal was hidden and never seen again.



Hemingway loved femininity in a woman. He dedicated a book to each of his four wives. He dedicated the novel “The Sun Also Rises” to his wife Elizabeth Hadley Richardson. “Death in the Afternoon” to Pauline Pfeiffer. “For Whom the Bell Tolls” was dedicated to Martha Gellhorn. “Across the River, and into the Trees” – Mary Welsh, with love.

In each of his women, he found a piece of that “One” that every man dreams of.

For Hemingway’s 60th birthday, his wife Mary threw a lavish party that lasted twenty-four hours. Chinese food was flown in from London, codfish from Madrid, and champagne from Paris. In addition to the exotic food, there were flamenco dancers, fireworks, and a shooting gallery. Even members of the Italian royal family and the Maharaja of Cooch Behar from India were among the star guests.

Hemingway suffered from severe depression. He referred to his attacks as “black dog days.” In the 1960s, the most common treatment for seemingly all types of mental illness was electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) – the application of electric shocks to the brain. In an attempt to cure his depression, Hemingway underwent 15 sessions of such treatment. Far from helping, the therapy worsened his condition, impairing his memory and destroying his imagination. Alcohol could still take him over the edge. But it was already a darkness in which inspiration no longer appeared.

After electroshock sessions, the writer lost his memory and the ability to create. That was the verdict. This is what Hemingway himself wrote: “…These doctors who electrocuted me, they do not understand writers….. Let all psychiatrists learn to write fiction to understand what it means to be a writer …. what was the point of destroying my brain, erasing my memory, which is my capital, and throwing me to the margins of life…?”.

According to his wife Mary Welsh, Hemingway became the complete opposite of what he used to be – from an outgoing, cheerful man with a burst of energy, he became withdrawn and silent. At the age of sixty Hemingway experienced a fatal writing crisis. He was asked to write a few words for John F. Kennedy’s inauguration speech in 1961, but he could not find a single word. No matter how hard he tried, the words just wouldn’t come. The inability to write shook him to the core. Hemingway cried and told a friend, “It won’t happen again, it won’t come back.”

Ernest Hemingway suffered over 200 shrapnel wounds, a shattered kneecap, and an aluminum prosthesis during the First World War. During his life, he survived anthrax, pneumonia, malaria, skin cancer, hepatitis, a ruptured kidney, a ruptured spleen, a fractured skull, a fractured spine, two world wars, and two plane crashes. Death came so often that he had grown accustomed to it.

He had seen and experienced it all in his life. What an optimist one must be, what tremendous willpower and vitality to survive. And what depths of despair must a man be in to stop this love? He lived only when he was creating. He withdrew into the world of his heroes, traveled with them, fought, and won. Losing his world, he lost interest in life.

Back home in Idaho, he ordered his favorite dinner: a New York steak, jacket potatoes, Caesar salad, and a glass of Bordeaux. In the early morning hours of 2 July 1961, Hemingway committed suicide by shooting himself with his favorite shotgun.

His tombstone reads:
“…More than anything else in his life he loved autumn. The warm yellow autumn leaves floating down the river on the backs of trout, and the blue windless sky above them. Now he would be a part of it all, forever…”.

Family drama and a passion for music and literature make the boy sensually vulnerable. And therefore, unfortunately, unhappy. But without it, no talent is born. That’s Ernest Hemingway.
If you have a baby – give him the world of music and literature. Be diligent and patient with him. Travel with him, it is essential to open the world of beauty to him. It also lets him feel the turbulence of the sea so that he knows what dangers await him and is ready for them. And one day a beautiful tree will blossom in your garden!

© Copyright: Walter Maria, 2021
Certificate of publication #221060701204

Some people may find it difficult to read Ernest Hemingway’s works. The reason for this is the difference in mentality and peculiarities of folklore. For example, if a Russian person understands the meaning of the expression “fresh as a cucumber”, then for an English speaker it is abracadabra. And vice versa, English folklore is full of expressions that will stump the best translator, and no automatic “translator” will cope with them. That is why the style of any writer can be understood not only by reading his works in the original but also by living in his linguistic environment for a long time. This is one of the factors that leads to misunderstanding between people, and often to mutual dislike. After living in America for many years, I began to reread books by famous writers in English and rediscover them. But I never learned to write with English humor perfectly, as Jack London, Mark Twain, and O. Henry did. Because to write in the language of a nation, you have to understand its folklore, and that can only be done by being born in that country or living in it since childhood.

According to Hemingway, the better a story is, the more it contains what is unwritten, what is between the lines: “If the writer writes cleanly enough, the reader will be able to understand what is hidden as clearly as if it were written.”
The best explanation of these words of the writer will be a sample of his style.

A short story written in 1927 called “White Elephants” is an example of such a work. Well, a couple, two characters in the story, are waiting for a train, they talk, she orders a drink, it seems nothing special. The style is very dry, the author even avoids the “he/she said” that many English writers are so fond of. But behind these laconic dialogues there is a whole drama of relationships:

“It’s a small operation, Jig,” the man said, “it’s not even an operation.”

“And if I do it, won’t you be nervous?”

“No, because it’s nothing.”

“Then I’ll do it. I don’t care what happens to me…”

Not a single sentence mentions a child or abortion. But it is clear that this is the situation – they are expecting a child, the young man does not want it, their relationship is falling apart, and he is pushing her to take a tragic step.
The landscape itself suggests the tragic nature of the situation:
“…the girl looked far away, at the ridge of hills; they were white in the sun, and everything around had dried up and turned brown…”

“Like white elephants,” she said.

The hills evoke the idea of future motherhood, but motherhood does not bring joy – the name itself tells us that. After all, the expression “white elephants”, which means nothing to the Russian ear, in English folklore means something superfluous, creating obstacles…

The second example is a dialogue about drinks.
Jig, the protagonist, orders absinthe because he wants to try something new.

“It smells like licorice,” the girl said, putting the glass down on the table.

“That’s the way it is.”

“Yes,” she said, “everything smells like licorice. Especially something I’ve wanted for a long time. And so it is with absinthe…”

This means that sometimes even desirable things, like pregnancy, can bring unexpected bitterness. The true meaning of the girl’s words is hidden in the subtext.
You can learn a lot about the relationship between the two of them from just one sentence:

“Beautiful hills,” she said, “maybe they don’t look like white elephants at all. I just thought they looked like white elephants through the trees.”

“Shall we have another drink?”

And this scathing “Shall we have another drink?” shows the gulf that lies between them: he can no longer hear her, he is already estranged from her. These two sentences convey Jig’s heartfelt cry, her attempt to save the relationship: “…and if I do, everything will be all right again, and if I say the hills don’t look like white elephants, would you like that…?”. She utters this phrase in the middle of the conversation as if still hoping things will stay the same, she is waiting for it to depend on him. And having realized from his silence that the relationship cannot be saved, she breaks it off:

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“I’d do anything for you.”

“So, I’m, really, really, really, really, really asking you to shut up…”

She has accepted the end of the relationship, she is already independent and on her own.

In a single monologue, Hemingway describes the entire history of relationships, their tragedy, and everything else that is read between the lines.
Hemingway is considered a master of the subtext, which plays a crucial role in his works, so much so that we can say that it is not the text that hides the subtext, but the subtext expresses itself in the text because with Hemingway it is all about what is between the lines.
I hope that this small example of the writer’s craftsmanship will help you to better understand his amazing talent.


Published inEssay


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