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  1. Walter Maria Avatar

    Dear Friends! In this section you will find information about new releases on the site and more. Please feel free to leave your comments and wishes here. Thank you and have a pleasant journey into the world of the unknown!

  2. Walter Maria Avatar

    New releases in the History and Politics section! For those who like to find unknown or hidden facts and mysteries of World War II (1939-1945), chapters from my book ‘Hidden Traces of the Grey Wolf’ are published regularly and almost daily.

  3. Walter Maria Avatar

    Like the story about salty wine? You will find more salty tales under the category ARTICLES. Enjoy reading!

  4. Walter Maria Avatar

    In the NOVELS section, the story plots are based on real events from the author’s adventures. The story “Hedger” is completely autobiographical, it is what the author did in the States. I use the technique of “alter ego”. The definition means a person with a different name, but it is an “alternate self”. This technique was used by Ernest Hemingway. One of the central characters in his stories is Nick Adams and this is the “alter ego” of the writer himself.

  5. Walter Maria Avatar

    The press called him the most dangerous man in Europe. In “History and Politics”, read the story of how he kidnapped Italian dictator Mussolini

  6. Walter Maria Avatar

    Where did the Nazis hide the stolen gold? Did you know that much of the treasure has not been found and is still waiting for clever and brave adventurers? Read the latest publications from my book “Hidden Traces of the Grey Wolf”.

  7. Walter Maria Avatar

    A collection of political pamphlets is presented in the “Journalism” category. The world community still does not understand the nature, mentality, morals, and traditions of the people of the vast country called Russia. This political entity comprises more than two dozen Asian tribes whose ancestors invaded Europe during Genghis Khan’s time. In the 20th century, under their leader Stalin, one of the main perpetrators of the Second World War, they threatened Europe with a new invasion. The result of that war was a long occupation of part of Europe. They want to repeat it in our time by threatening the world with nuclear weapons, which they have managed to steal from the West. The world community never realized who they were dealing with. The cycle is written in Russian, first of all, for those who pretend to be civilized, remain savages, and prepare the world for a new world war.

  8. Walter Maria Avatar

    In the History & Politics section, you can read chapters from my main book, “History for Dummies”. These are examinations of events that were the result of the games of politicians and that have tragically affected the lives of all mankind: wars, revolutions, economic crises, and the conspiracies of those who seek power over the world. The famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once shocked humanity: “Madmen rule the world. The sane either do not or cannot”.
    Those madmen are slaves of money, and here is the confession of their master, Jacob Rothschild:
    “My family is worth 500 trillion dollars.
    We own almost every central bank in the world.
    We have financed both sides of every war since Napoleon.
    We own your news, your media, your oil, and your government.
    You have probably never heard of me…”

  9. Walter Maria Avatar

    How did the beggarly Russians suddenly become the owners of the atomic bomb? They were stealing America’s military and other secrets at the highest levels, almost legally! There were more Stalinist spies on the Capitol Hill than American senators! In the section “History and Politics”, the publication “Once in America – 2” you can read the repentance of a Stalinist spy who asked for political asylum in America. He gave it to the special investigators of FBI and the American government officials.

  10. Walter Maria Avatar

    Sometimes readers contact me with requests to see more photos, pictures, and images in my publications. I am constantly busy editing and illustrating my work over and over again. With writers, this process is called creativity and it is endless. For example, Ernest Hemingway was editing his work 50 – 150 times.
    Going back to my publications, you will find a lot of new things, both in the text and in the illustrations. I would add here that it’s important to strike a balance between text and illustration when publishing stories. Lots of text – the reader is bored. Lots of illustrations – the reader does not perceive the text and looks at the pictures.

  11. Walter Maria Avatar

    One of my most favored novels was just published. This is a love story when something romantic happens between a rich and successful businesswoman and a bankrupt man who has lost everything. In this delicate psychological situation, they trying to find a compromised solution. Read the “Caribbean Lobster” novel to find out what happened to them. All scenes and names are real.

  12. Walter Maria Avatar

    Want to know about the wine of the French king, what English sailors did with it, who invented Caribbean rum, and how pirates drank it?
    Read all this and more in my new publication in ARTICLES.

  13. Walter Maria Avatar

    Hello friends! Life had been tossing me around like waves playing with splinters. But unlike a splinter, I had sails and a rudder. And I was in charge of my boat, the waves couldn’t fight me over. And my angels were helping me. Finally, they navigated me to a safe harbor where I dropped my anchor. I have been living here for many years, and fish, birds, cats, and dogs are my best friends. And the local descendants of the pirates love my wine. I’ve written a funny book about them named ‘Da Breezy Belizee’. In it, I show the mentality of the locals and tell about the little things that happen in my interactions with them. Read the salty stories from my book in the ARTICLES section.

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