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ARCHITECTORS OF WAR (“Hidden Traces of the Grey Wolf”).

The British banker’s clan of Rothschilds has been the most powerful in the world for centuries. After the United States of America defended its independence, the bankers decided to drive the Republic of Liberty into financial bondage. At the time of George Washington’s presidency they slipped their vassal Alexander Hamilton into the post of the first Secretary of the Treasury. Following the instructions of his bosses in England, Hamilton pushed through the government a project to create the National Bank of the United States of America, allegedly necessary for the formation of the country’s monetary system. Hamilton’s economic plan was based on the development of manufacturing and trade. Hamilton distrusted the popular will and believed the federal government must have considerable power to guide a successful course. Hamilton favored the creation of a national bank similar to the English bank so that the state’s money would be under the control of the federal government.

Thomas Jefferson was the first Secretary of State and from the beginning, the two men held opposing views on domestic policy. Jefferson trusted the people believing that the power of the government should be limited. Jefferson and his political allies opposed Hamiton’s plan. Jefferson feared that such a bank would represent too much influence from England.
In May 1792, Jefferson voiced his concerns about Hamilton’s policies to President Washington, calling Hamilton’s allies in Congress a “corrupt squadron.” He feared that Hamilton was distorting the republican structure of the Constitution, which would inevitably lead the country to a monarchy modeled on the English constitution.

Despite President Washington’s efforts at unity, the political divisions proved too deep for consensus. By 1796, endless debates resulted in the formation of political factions called “Republicans” and “Federalists.” The Republican Party emerged as organized opposition to Federalist policies, and despite Jefferson’s assurances that Americans were a united family of Republicans and Federalists, the factions’ differences turned them into two parties.
At the end of his presidency, George Washington warned that creating political factions would necessarily lead to formal and permanent despotism. Despite Washington’s warnings, two of his closest advisors, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, helped form the factions that led to the two-party system under which the United States functions today.

During the presidency of Thomas Jefferson, in 1804, the emergence of these political parties necessitated a constitutional amendment that changed the electoral process to allow the president and vice president to appear on the ballot.
The classic formula of capitalism is a free market, entrepreneurship, and competition, in which the most resourceful and decisive wins. It has been proved by life practice that a society living by this formula only benefits. The centralization of the distribution of money proposed by Hamilton was a scheme in which freedom of enterprise was replaced by the dictatorship of a handful of bankers who decided where to invest money, and where to direct cash flows. Hamilton argued with President Jefferson about the model of the economy, insisted on centralizing the banking system, and endorsed corruption as an engine of progress. Hamilton believed that the federal government needed to be strong. On the other side, President Jefferson, a Republican, argued that too much power in the hands of the federal government would lead to tyranny.
Hamilton was so noisy with his nonsense that once the vice president, a veteran of the Civil War, Colonel Aaron Burr, challenged him to a duel.
It was believed that the final straw for Burr was the publication in the newspaper of a letter in which Hamilton demeaned the character of the vice president. Burr demanded that Hamilton apologize for the insults or explain them. Hamilton remained silent, at which point Burr demanded a duel. Duels were common, and both men had experience in them.
The duel between the Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr, and the former Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, took place at dawn on 11 July 1804 in Weehawken, New Jersey. The Colonel was better at it.

In 1836, the powers of the National Bank were canceled by President Andrew Jackson. Finding themselves removed from the financial trough, the Rothschilds plotted a dirty trick. In 1861, they organized propaganda aimed at splitting the union of North and South, which provoked the American Civil War. The Rothschild Bank of London financed the northern states and supplied them with arms. The Rothschild Bank of Paris helped the southern states. If you finance both sides and supply them with arms, it is impossible not to win. The bankers won.

Soon the debt of the army of the North became so enormous that Congress was forced to reinstate the National Bank. Thus, the Rothschilds returned to managing all of America’s finances through concessions. Lincoln, who had exposed their game, refused to pay the Rothschilds huge interest rates, and in 1863 the National Bank was again liquidated. The President instructed Congress to create a Treasury and begin printing dollars to gain independence from the usurers. A year later, the Civil War was over.

For this interference in the affairs of the bankers, Lincoln was killed on April 14, 1865, by a certain John Booth. The assassin was freed from prison by the Freemasons, fled to England, and there received a generous reward from the Rothschilds.

Decades of conspiracy and intrigue followed, and under President Woodrow Wilson the bankers prevailed by forcing him to sign the bill they wanted, essentially a surrender of freedom to financial slavery. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was an American politician and scholar who served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921 (two terms). During his presidency, Europe went through World War I and Marxist revolutions took place in three empires. They were all financed by bankers who staged another silent revolution in America for Americans. It was essentially a secret financial coup when the bankers took all the money of the Americans.
Before he died in 1924, Wilson left a note in which he repented and asked forgiveness from the people of the Republic:
“… I am the most unfortunate person. Through a misunderstanding, I destroyed my country. The great industrial nation is now controlled by credit systems. The development of the country, and therefore all our activities, are under the control of several people. We have come to the worst form of government, to the most controlled and suppressed government in the civilized world.
There is no more free opinion in government, no more conviction, and voting does not take into account the majority opinion, but there are the opinions and coercion of a small dominant group of people. Forgive me, America! “.

With their law in place, the bankers set to work and replaced the Treasury functions with a private bank, which they disguised as the “Federal Reserve”. This private bank is not accountable to Congress and no one knows what they do there. They print and distribute US dollars. Which have since become anti-constitutional. Hamilton and the bankers won. And the Constitution of the Founding Fathers of the Republic lost.
With the ten-dollar bill, Hamilton is squinting at you, as if it warns those who decide to show ambition.

The bankers VS Germany.

In 1933 it was the turn of the stubborn Hitler.
The Reich Chancellor of Germany identified two main tasks he promised his people to fulfill:
1) to rebuild the economy within 4 years.
2) to unite Germany, which had been dismembered at the Versailles Treaty.

Hitler fulfilled the first task with German punctuality, despite the economic blockade imposed on Germany by the World Jewish Congress. The Rothschilds were furious – he didn’t ask for loans! The bankers were losing the economic war they had declared on Germany. Could they, who considered themselves masters of the world, accept this?
In 1938, the Reich Chancellor united Germany with Austria and gave back the Sudetenland, which had been home to a large German community since the time of King Frederick the Great and had been given by the Versailles Treaty to Czechoslovakia after the First World War. There remained a part of East Prussia, that was given to Poland.
Here, too, Hitler faced a conspiracy.

On 28 June 1919, delegations representing 32 powers attended the solemn event, which was not celebrated with pomp or music. The four main representatives of the Allied powers sat around the table: Clemenceau for France, Wilson for the United States, Lloyd George for Great Britain, and Orlando for Italy.
When American President Wilson was elected in 1913, he advocated that the United States adopt an international policy based on moral diplomacy. Moral diplomacy called for the United States to promote more democratic ideals abroad. When World War I broke out in 1914, Wilson argued that the United States should remain neutral in the conflict and was re-elected to a second term in 1916 on the platform that he had “kept us out of war”.

When the United States was drawn into the war anyway, Wilson hoped to end the war and achieve “peace without victory”. Wilson believed that for the world to move forward, neither the Allies nor the Central Powers could claim victory at the end of the war. In January 1918, Wilson developed what he believed to be the framework for a lasting world peace. This work became known as “Fourteen Points”.

Woodrow Wilson himself was dissatisfied with the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles. He introduced the “Fourteen Points” in the hope of developing a philosophy of “Peace Without Victory,” meaning that no country should claim victory in the war. Under the Fourteen Points, Wilson hoped to establish lasting world peace and avoid future large-scale wars.
However, the Treaty of Versailles prevented some of Wilson’s proposals from being realized. Wilson wanted freedom on the seas for all, including Germany, and this did not suit Britain, which was the dominant naval power at the time. Also, the self-determination that Wilson sought for each country was not realized for Germany, as most of the German lands were given to Poland, even though Germans lived there. The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty’s so-called “guilt of war” clause placed all the blame for World War I on Germany.

On top of that, the U.S. delegation to the Treaty of Versailles included 80 bankers, far more than diplomats and politicians. Why were there so many bankers at this political conference? There is only one answer – they came to loot Germany after it had lost the war.

Under the new government, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Poland in 1934, in which the governments of the two countries agreed to settle directly all matters relating to their relations as neighbors. But this was an agreement with Marshal Pilsudski, a military and independent politician. After he died in 1935, the Polish government’s attitude towards Germany began to change for the worse. This was due to the British Rothschilds pushing Poland into a war with a neighbor.
At Versailles, Poland was given the territories of East Prussia, where millions of Germans lived, and their lives have deteriorated ever since. Through this territory ran a corridor linking Germany to its most important economic and strategic port Danzig, on the Baltic Sea. The Poles, who wanted to take over the port, constantly blocked the corridor and terrorized the local German population. Hitler demanded that the Polish government stop these atrocities and abide by the terms of the Versailles agreements.

In the spring of 1939, Hitler appealed to the political leaders of England and France, inviting them to mediate in his dispute with Poland, hoping to resolve the conflict diplomatically. But politicians are always corrupt and all important questions are decided by those who bought them. Germany’s war with Poland was seen by the bankers as the only real chance to weaken and destroy the rival that was building the new empire, the Third Reich. British politicians secretly colluded with the Polish government and established close military cooperation with France, creating a political-military coalition similar to the one they had on the eve of World War I. Ignoring Hitler’s request for help in the dispute, the conspirators promised Poland their protection in the event of a military conflict with Germany. Having lost the economic war, they decided to draw Hitler into a real war.

At the end of August 1939, seizing the last opportunity to resolve the problem peacefully, the German Chancellor presented his proposals for the settlement of the German-Polish territorial dispute to the British Ambassador in Berlin and invited European governments to a pan-European meeting. However, Britain continued to ignore Germany’s peace initiatives. Realizing that this refusal would be followed by a violent solution to the problem, the country’s Prime Minister realized that many British lives would be lost in the coming war. But the lives of subjects have never been an important factor in the game of politicians. Soldiers die in war, and the more deaths, the greater the justification for those who started the war, and the greater the opportunity to shift responsibility for what has been done onto the enemy. As Stalin said: “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic…”

And Stalin himself, watching the unfolding European tragedy from the Kremlin, smoked a pipe and grinned into his mustache. The “friend of all nations”, who was friends with Churchill, Roosevelt, and Hitler, had a plan of his own. He planned to take over Europe and was actively helping Hitler to rebuild Germany’s military and economic power so that one day all his “friends” would face each other in battle. Stalin planned to turn the situation to his advantage when all his friends would be weakened in the internecine war. This is what he did to his partners in Russia, waiting for the right moment to destroy them all.

Stalin made his military airfields available to German pilots and tankers. In violation of the Versailles agreements concluded after World War I, the two socialist states co-operated closely in the field of armaments. This was carefully concealed from the world public, and the facts of cooperation leaked to the press were denied by the masters of Kremlin and Goebbels propaganda. For this alone, Stalin should have been in the dock at Nuremberg. And his loyal satrap Molotov, who signed the treaty with Germany, should have been hanged next to Ribbentrop on the same gallows. Molotov should have been hanged for another reason – he represented the USSR in Geneva, where representatives of all European states signed the Geneva Accords on the rules of warfare and the holding of prisoners of war. Molotov did not sign these documents, condemning millions of Soviet POWs to die of exhaustion in the coming war.
To Hitler, Stalin was a comrade in arms, the Germans called him “Comrade Joseph.” The entire Stalinist press assured the world of the inviolable friendship between the Soviet Union and Germany and cursed the machinations of those who tried to quarrel with the “friends.”
Stalin always had a trump ace up his sleeve when he played his game. At the peak of political passions in August 1939, when Poland, backed by Britain and France, was showing intransigence in the face of German demands, Stalin suddenly pulled out his trump card by signing a peace treaty with Hitler. This came as a shock to Western politicians who failed to understand the Soviet dictator’s cunning plan.
In a secret annex to the peace treaty, Stalin and Hitler divided Poland, stipulating the borders of their holdings in the occupied territory. And they agreed to do this by entering Poland from two sides, simultaneously. Stalin wanted an agreement that would secure him a common border with Germany.

The Polish government, supported by the British and French, was ambitious, declaring its unwillingness to return its ancestral German lands to Germany. The echo of the politicians’ statements was the terror of the Poles against the German population of East Prussia. Tens of thousands of peaceful Germans – men, women, old people, and children were killed. The survivors fled to Germany. The Poles burned the houses abandoned by the Germans, making it clear to the fugitives that there would be no way back. Upon learning of these atrocities, Hitler gloomily said: “They will pay for this!”.


In 1935 Hitler managed to negotiate with British Prime Minister Lord Chamberlain on partial naval concessions. Germany was allowed to have a submarine fleet of 35% of the British fleet. The Lord made the concessions in exchange for the Chancellor’s promise that Germany would not violate the agreement. Hitler also promised to stop building surface ships, in exchange for an adequate number of submarine ships with Britain. They reached an agreement. Two weeks after the document was signed, the first German next-generation submarine rolled off the slipway. The German navy Reichsmarine was renamed Kriegsmarine, literally “fleet for war. That day can be considered the beginning of the establishment of the offensive naval fleet of the Third Reich.

In September of that year, the first flotilla was formed in Kiel, initially consisting of three submarines of the new generation. Corvette captain Karl Dönitz was appointed to command the flotilla. He instituted a special training program for the naval personnel, the survivor of which was considered the elite of the special unit, a fanatical and dedicated sailor ready to do his duty under any conditions. Today, this program is included in the training of maritime special forces of all countries.

Dönitz was rapidly promoted and in January of the following year, 1936, he was appointed to command the entire German submarine fleet, although this fleet still existed only in drafts. But the Germans built fast and by the summer of 1938, the submarine fleet numbered seven flotillas, where the seventh, named “Wegener,” after the submarine hero of the previous war, was staffed with the latest attack submarines capable of conducting operations in the Atlantic. Dönitz’s sea wolves gained practical experience during the Spanish Civil War, wherein in December 1936 their first victim was a Republican submarine, which they sank near Malaga.

In the summer of 1939, Dönitz arranged naval exercises of his submarine fleet, which already numbered 56 units, of which 48 were modern, attack submarines, they had no analogs in the world. The purpose of the exercise was to test the readiness of the fleet to mine Britain’s major ports. On 19 August five submarines of the “Wegener flotilla” left Kiel and set course for the English Channel. This time the commanders were handed secret packages that were to be opened at a special signal. The group of nine submarines was ordered to remain on standby in the Baltic and be on high alert. Events seemed to be brewing.

When diplomats are silent, the cannons start talking. On the evening of Friday, September 1, 1939, a group of reserve submarines was ordered to block all exits from the ports of Poland, sinking warships without warning. A few hours later, Wehrmacht troops invaded Poland. That day deprived the Nobel Peace Prize nominee Hitler of that award. The Führer spoke in the Reichstag and explained the reasons for the invasion of Poland to the foreign diplomats and world press present there. In his speech, Hitler pointed out that Germany had no interests west of its borders and expressed his wishes for peaceful cooperation with England and France.

The Polish government did the bidding of the British bankers. When it failed, it abandoned its people and fled from reprisals to London, to its patrons. There it sat out all the years of the war. The governments of England and France reacted to Hitler’s speech in their way. Two days later they declared war on Germany.
That day the commanders of Dönitz’s submarines in the English Channel received a cipher with an order to open the packages. The instructions in the package were ordered to block enemy ships from entering the ocean and to sink all military and merchant ships with weapons. A reminder of the agreements adopted by the Hague Convention prohibited the sinking of passenger liners. Germany responded to her declaration of war by blockading ocean waters from Gibraltar to Scotland with its submarines within two weeks. Sea wolves sunk the enemy’s navy ships, day and night. The success of the German submariners was also aided by the fact that the British Admiralty had not yet thought to create convoys to guard merchant ships.

Hitler attacked Poland from the west, expecting the Kremlin comrade to do the same from the east, to fulfill the terms of the agreement. But Stalin was cunning, explaining the delay by the unpreparedness of his armies. He was waiting for the reaction of the Western countries, with whose leaders he was in contact. When England and France, bound by the treaty with Poland, declared war on Hitler, Stalin entered troops into Poland. To a world public ignorant of the behind-the-scenes games of politicians, Hitler was the aggressor. And Stalin appeared in the image of a liberator, preventing the further occupation of Poland by the Germans.

The Poles responded to the forceful action of the Germans with bloody terror in East Prussia. During the first week of September, 58,000 civilians were killed. That terror was called “Bloody Sunday”. Later, after occupying the territory, the German command invited politicians and doctors from various countries to testify to the crime committed against the German civilian population. Among the expert witnesses were doctors and diplomats from Chile, Greece, India, Persia, and Italy: Espinoza, Carellas, Farogi, Oganyan, and Santoro. They drew up detailed reports to their governments, enclosing photographs of the victims of the massacres, eyewitness accounts, and family members who had lost their loved ones in that nightmare. After the war, the victors hid this truth from the nations.

Stalin’s Chekists unleashed the red terror in Poland, shooting and exiling tens of thousands of Poles to Siberia. Later, during the war with Russia, the Germans would discover Katyn, the place near Smolensk where 15,000 Polish officers were shot. Stalinist propaganda would blame everything on the Germans. But half a century later, with the fall of the Soviet regime, a document will be pulled from the archives and published, proof of who did it. With Stalin’s resolution all over the page “to shoot them all!” Revenge of twenty years ago, for the failed march into Poland of Tukhachevsky’s Red Cavalry, defeated by the army of Hetman Pilsudski…

But that would come later, and in early September 1939, the socialist friends celebrated the victory by holding a joint military parade in the Polish city of Brest. On the German side, the parade was commanded by Tank General Guderian, and on the Soviet side by General Krivoshein. Both of them on the rostrum, greeted the columns of Red Army soldiers and Hitlerites passing under the red-black banners with stars and swastikas. Needless to say, the propaganda of the victors will remain silent about this parade in their books, forever. The victors blamed everything on Hitler. But he was only one of those who started the bloody fight in Europe.

Hitler understood that his military conflict with a neighboring country could provoke a pan-European conflict. He sought to close the dispute with Poland and recover German lands peacefully, urging European governments to be mediators in the dispute. His desire for peace, as well as Hitler’s fears of a new world war, have been confirmed by many scholars, including the famous British historian A. J. Taylor. After declaring war on Germany, Britain rushed to justify itself to the world community by accusing Hitler of violating Polish sovereignty and threatening Polish independence.
But when, two weeks later, Soviet troops attacked Poland from the east, British politicians remained silent and did not declare war on Stalin.
The falsity of the accusations leveled against Germany in 1939 was finally evident in 1945 when British leaders allowed Stalin’s armies to occupy Poland and other Eastern European countries completely and permanently.

And in that year, 1939, Britain and France, which had declared war on Germany, were in no hurry to go to war. British soldiers were stuck in Belgium in beer pubs, French soldiers were playing soccer with the Germans on neutral ground. The French were outnumbered by twice as many airmen as Germany. They had powerful tanks, artillery, and the latest aircraft. The Germans, on the border with France and its defensive Maginot Line, had structures of the same type, the Siegfried Line. Here both sides would lay down thousands of lives, unleashing a battle. But instead of shooting, the opponents played soccer. The losers would put up a drink for the winners.

The French love soccer, wine, and women. Soon many of them were tired of the trench life, they wanted to go home to their wives. To keep the soldiers from going home, War Minister Daladier ordered that the army be given… ten thousand footballs increased the ration of liquor, abolished the tax on playing cards, and opened brothels.
The French appreciated their government’s gifts and stayed in the trenches. One escaped, Maurice Thorez, secretary of the French Communist Party. The deserter was sentenced to be shot, but not caught. He escaped straight to the Soviet Union, to Comrade Stalin. There, the deserter was kept warm and well-fed through the war, and when things quieted down in Europe, Monsieur Torez was sent back home to work off the Kremlin rations and stir up public sentiment.

That period of the “soccer war” would later be called strange by historians. But there was nothing strange about that inaction. Politicians in France and England were in no hurry to get into a fight. They knew about Stalin’s plans and were biding their time when he first attacked Hitler from the east. Military intelligence reported to Hitler on the build-up of allied forces on the eastern border, with a predominance of offensive weapons – aircraft and artillery. Hitler realized that he was being prepared for a war on three fronts.
He decided to start first.

© Copyright: Walter Maria, 2019
Certificate of Publication #219101001145

Published inHistory & Politics


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