“There are two histories: the false official history and the secret history, in which the true causes of events are to be seen.” Honoré de Balzac, “Lost Illusions”.
From the author.
Once a year, the members of the Bilderberg Club meet to decide global issues. They appoint presidents and prime ministers, plunge a disobedient country into economic chaos, stage coups and crises. No country can stand alone against such a conspiracy. The conspirators decide what scenario people should live under, but the nations are not allowed to know. Their meetings are carefully guarded by special armed units of the secret services, away from the cameras of the press. The club has about 400 regular members, one-third Americans and two-thirds Europeans. In addition to members of the royal families of Europe, bankers, representatives of transnational corporations and owners of mass media propaganda, the club includes representatives of the Office of the President and the U.S. State Department. The club is based in New York at the Carnegie Foundation.
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In the summer of 1991, the next Bilderberg meeting was held in the resort town of Baden-Baden, a secluded place in southern Germany. The main figure in the secret world government was banker David Rockefeller, the author of the plan for globalization// privatization of the world economy. In a small circle, Rockefeller expressed his desire to see the next president of the United States as someone who could help him realize his plan. He was recommended an up-and-coming but very shady politician who could, in the words of the recommender, “sell ice to Eskimos. Rockefeller wanted to meet this ice salesman. An invitation was sent to the governor of a small Midwestern state. With a lawyer’s instinct, he realized that fate was giving him a golden opportunity. So he flew to Germany, where his life would soon begin anew.
In Baden-Baden, the banker of all bankers gave the “ice salesman” two tasks.
He wanted to unite the economies of North America into a single mechanism in which Mexico would remain an agrarian appendage of the Union and become a supplier of cheap labor for the US and Canada. The project was drafted during the Reagan presidency. Now it was time to ratify it. Rockefeller wanted the remote control of a unified North American economy on his desk.
The governor candidly admitted that he didn’t know how to make it happen. Rockefeller reassured him, promising to educate and help.
The banker also wanted the restrictions on banks imposed by Roosevelt in the thirties lifted. Rockefeller offered to repeal the law. In exchange for the White House. The lure of power was too great.
The conversation did not end there. The banker alluded to a point in the governor’s biography that, if known to voters, could have ruined his chances. In the sixties, young Bill hung out in the crowds of students at anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. Cameras caught him in a crowd burning the American flag. And then he avoided the draft altogether by submitting medical certificates.
Having taken it upon himself to destroy the dirt in the U.S. intelligence archives, the banker drew the candidate’s attention to the copy that was in Moscow.
The KGB and GRU are masters of recruitment, and with such kompromat they could recruit the president and make him an agent of Moscow. And this is too much, even for Americans, who are no longer surprised by scandals in the lives of their politicians. Rockefeller demanded that Bill delivered him that movie.
From Baden-Baden, the governor flew directly to Moscow. The ciphers flew ahead of him. In America, people did not yet know whose name they would write on the ballot. But in the Kremlin, they already knew that U.S. next president was flying to them. And although it was a private visit, not announced in the press, the guest was received by top government officials. He had a meeting with the chairman of the State Security Committee, Vadim Bakatin. The American and the head of the KGB agreed on something. The governor, showing all his talents as a negotiator, made a tempting offer in exchange for the film of his youth antics. Looks like they made a deal.
The guest left across the ocean, and soon amazing events began to happen in America. The president in those years was George Bush senior, a former military pilot during the Second World War. A veteran who was popular with the nation after the recent lightning fast and successful Gulf War. In that war, the Americans defeated Saddam Hussein’s forces from the air without ever setting foot on the ground. For Bush, a second term in the White House was a foregone conclusion. But Bill Clinton, the governor of a small Midwestern cow state, not even in the mainstream of candidates, easily won the presidential election and took the White House away from the veteran.
Those who run America rearrange the figures in politics, and the popularity of a particular leader is not a factor for them. They needed a different president at that time.
Bill proved to be a diligent student. He was aided by advisors:
Alan Greenspan (Federal Reserve), Robert Rubin (Treasury Secretary), Timothy Geidner (Federal Reserve, Greenspan’s assistant), Madeleine Albright (Secretary of State, foreign policy), Rupert Murdoch (media, all brainwashing tools), Rahm, Rice, Mona (national security), other officers of the bankers’ secret agency.
After becoming president, Clinton fulfilled all the conditions of his benefactor’s mission. The draft trade agreement with Canada was already signed in October 1987 by U.S. President Reagan and Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney. Under Clinton, the draft was passed by Congress in 1994. Corporations became the controllers of the economy:
NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement
CAFTA – Central America Free Trade Agreement
SPP – Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
NACC – North American Competitiveness Council
NASCO – North America’s Super Corridor Coalition
And the godfather of all these controllers, David Rockefeller, got the button he wanted on his desk. President Clinton has lifted the banker injunctions imposed by President Roosevelt, who did so in the early ’30s to stop America’s bankers from further plunging the economy into a stupor called the Great Depression of 1929. Now that Roosevelt’s injunctions have been lifted, the banker sharks have swarmed to devour their younger kin. Monopolies had taken over the American economy. A new global financial crisis was knocking at the door. In 2008, the door was opened. A soldier of the secret government, economic advisor Peter Hall, cynically said of the impending disaster as early as 1981: “There are two Americas. One is nineteenth-century industrial America. The other is post-industrial, growing rapidly on the wreckage of the first. This is a crisis between two worlds that will produce an economic and social catastrophe in the next decade. These two worlds are in fundamental conflict: they cannot coexist! In the end, the post-industrial world will collapse and destroy its predecessor”. And it happened exactly ten years later, just as the prescient economist had predicted.
Under capitalism, the entrepreneur borrowed money from the bank, organized production, produced goods, sold them on the free market, made a profit, shared it with the bank in the form of agreed interest, and paid income tax to the state. The formula of this development was money – goods – money. Everyone benefited – producers, consumers, bankers, and the government as a whole. In modern America, capitalism in the classical sense no longer exists. You can call the new model whatever you want – corporate monopolism or monopoly imperialism – but it is not capitalism, where entrepreneurship, competition and the free market were the main levers for the development of society. Under the new model, the former free market is divided into monopolies, and entrepreneurship and competition have been reduced to the level of street vendors selling seeds.
And here is the result of the lifting of the Roosevelt prohibitions: the financial sharks, having gained freedom, devoured everything that smelled of money – insurance companies, investment and pension funds, small and medium-sized banks. The sharks grew to a size for which they would later be called “Too Big To Fail”. If one of these creatures died, its offal would stink up the entire financial ocean. And when the first of them began to die, the entire global financial system began to stink. These sharks were resuscitated with billions of dollars from the national budget. The financial resources for development were taken away from the society, the risk was imposed on the people and the profit was taken for themselves. What had to happen – the financial monopoly, the boa constrictor FINAMON, appeared. Money eater.
I will repeat myself here and remind you that this section of the book was written in the early years after Black Tuesday, the tragedy that occurred on American soil in September 2001. And the financial crisis that followed in 2008. Since those years many events have taken place in the life of all mankind, 3 presidents have changed in the USA, there have been reshuffles in all structures, new strategies have been adopted in foreign policy and in the management of the country’s economy. Therefore, some of the author’s descriptions of the world political and economic situation at that time may differ from reality.
Clinton did a good job, his team did a good job, and everyone got their rewards. During his presidency, almost all of America’s major industries were moved to the Third World, and the medium and small industries that remained in the country, which until recently had been the backbone of the economy, went bankrupt in competition with the cheap products that soon flooded the world market from the Third World. So the corporations that left, while providing jobs for people in China, Cambodia, Vietnam and other countries, plunged their own people into crisis.
Unemployment in the U.S. reached 23 million, the housing market was in shock, people had no money to pay their bank loans. The middle class began to die off, savings and investments were swallowed up by the speculative fluctuations of the financial markets organized by the banker-sharks of Wall Street. The industrial muscles of the state shrank and in their place appeared the military-industrial tentacles of the monster FINAMON, which can only exist in conditions of permanent world war. The formula of the model of imperialism became: MONEY – WAR – MONEY… Five American banks began to represent 65% of the gross national product. That is, money became the product of the country. But where does it go when the national debt is skyrocketing and has already reached 18 trillion dollars? The monster controls 75% of the world’s financial system. After World War I, it controlled only 11 percent. Progress? Oh, yes, progress! Strange. For every dollar America spends, it borrows 40 cents from China. Such “progress” is a road to bankruptcy.
So the way out is permanent war, endless war, so that the bankers and the military-industrial complex can make money and somehow fill the budget coffers. All of this sounds like funeral music to the millions of Americans who are out of work today. Who is going to create jobs for them in a nonexistent economy?
At the beginning of the new century, FINAMON conceived a fraud on a global scale. It began to sell fake, dirty paper, causing the financial markets to collapse and a world crisis. He spread his stinking papers in the banks of the world in exchange for real money, robbing the people of many countries. The chief planner of the project was the head of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan. He was not the innocent sheep he pretended to be before a Congressional committee, but the criminal mastermind of the gang that committed the crime. Economists of the future will call it the heist of the century. They’re afraid to say it out loud yet.
Amateurs blame Bush Jr. for the collapse of the economy. But how could he wreck something he didn’t know anything about? He once honestly admitted that he didn’t know anything about the economy, so he wasn’t to blame for its collapse. The US economy was ruined by greedy bankers and Clinton doing their bidding. For his diligence, Bill enjoyed the full patronage and protection of his masters. For love games with his assistant Monica Lewinsky, immorality and lying to the Supreme Court, Clinton was threatened with impeachment, removal from the presidency. But the bosses saved him, covered him up. Bill got out, finished his term in the White House and handed over to Bush Jr.
For his diligence and obedience, the bankers paid Bill a reward, a carload of money. To avoid the appearance of blatant bribery, Clinton was organized on a world tour to lecture students and share memories of amorous adventures. On this tour, Clinton surpassed philosophers, thinkers, and orators of all ages and nations combined in the amount of fees he received. He became the richest lecturer in human history. After the tour, his banker patrons added to his capital by making profits on speculative frauds in the financial markets. Take it, Bill, you deserve it!
He received directorships in all three departments of the shadowed government, and $130,000,000 in bonuses, making him the richest president in U.S. history. Now that’s talent! It’s not about brilliance, it’s about instinct and, of course, spinal flexibility. Being in the right place at the right time! The two components of the world behind the scenes are money and power. The Clintons married their daughter to a banker, a classic example of the fusion of two components – money and power. And for the newborn heir of this clan, someone’s obliging butt is already warming a chair on Capitol Hill.
Here we can finish the story about the political biography of the governor of a small state from the American countryside, who fully exploited the chance that fate once gave him. Oh, yes, about the Moscow deal between the governor and the Chekist. In exchange for the movie, the governor promised free refueling for all ships of the Russian navy at all American naval bases, in all ports of the planet. After becoming president, Clinton kept his promise. Russian navy ships were refueled at US naval bases. Fuel for Russian ships was paid for by American taxpayers.
© Copyright: Walter Maria, 2016 Certificate of Publication No. 216101401275
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