“Those who do not see that there is a great design, a grand plan, being carried out on earth, in the execution of which we are destined to play the role of obedient slaves, are simply blind”. Winston Churchill.
From the author.
‘History for Dummies’ book is divided into several sections, each covering the major events of the last century – world wars, revolutions, conspiracies.
The book contains facts that are completely unknown to most people. These facts influenced events known to the vast majority. The book has been written using sources available on the internet, declassified material from intelligence agencies, and sources unknown or banned in many countries, such as the diaries and memoirs of top officials of the Third Reich.
The chapters in the section under the general title ‘Nomenclature‘ were written in the early years after Black Tuesday, the tragedy that took place on American soil in September 2001. Many life-changing events have taken place since then, so some of the author’s assumptions at the time may differ from reality.
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Capitalism in its purest form is free enterprise, free markets, and individual freedoms. This classic model of capitalism worked until recently in America, where 90% of the economy was made up of small and medium-sized businesses. Losers who went bankrupt in the competitive struggle were replaced by others who were more enterprising, ensuring progress for the economy and employment and prosperity for society. America surprised the world with its successes, and the Rockefellers were among the most successful capitalists.
David Rockefeller was the grandson of oil magnate and the first dollar billionaire in history, John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil. He was born in New York City in June 1915. David learned his first lesson from his father, John. He taught his son: “Competitors are out to take your profits and destroy you. If you want to survive and make more money, get rid of your competitors! “.
Stalin, then conducting bloody economic experiments in the USSR, gave the young David Rockefeller an example of how to get rid of competitors. The Soviet dictator completely destroyed competition and entrepreneurs, and this approach revolutionized the thinking of the young Rockefeller, who saw in Marxist practice a mechanism for concentrating power in the hands of one person.
And David Rockefeller became obsessed with this idea. In his plans he took into account Lenin’s mistakes. A drunken sailor was no good in a campaign for world domination. Rockefeller chose his soldier from a different class, bet on a civil servant, corrupted him with everyday luxury, accustomed him to servants in livery and a limousine with a personal driver. He taught his soldier that money was his religion. And he would kill for money with far more sophistication than a proletarian with a cobblestone. For this soldier, the ideologues of world government rewrote the program, changing the outdated language of revolutionaries into the politically correct language of university professors. In the modern interpretation, Lenin’s “robbery” is replaced by “redistribution of resources”. “World conquest” – by “global political integration”. And the Zionist “goyim sheep, they are our slaves” sounds like “the need to centralize the education system for the peoples”. And so on. All the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have been repackaged with new, politically correct terms, but that does not stop them from being the militant program of Usher Ginzberg’s Zionism, a program approved for implementation by the 11th Zionist Congress, held in Vienna in September 1913.

For David Rockefeller, creating his own power structure in the image of Stalin became the work of his life. He decided to create his own government. If his government controls the power, then everything under the control of that government is under the control of Rockefeller himself. From the day David Rockefeller fell ill with this idea, American capitalism was doomed. Today, Papa John can be proud of his son – the competition of all the businessmen who took the Rockefeller profits has come to an end. The world market is divided into segments between the biggest corporate participants. They do not allow any competition, any strangers to enter their circle.
From 1921 to 1973, three departments of the world government were created, taking control of the economy, politics and influential elite of America, Europe and Southeast Asia. The last, third department, or “Trilateral Commission,” created in 1973, is the apotheosis of David Rockefeller’s ambitions. This is his government, and this is his control of the world economy. The corporations have swallowed up small and medium-sized businesses like octopuses swallow their smaller relatives. And above them is the monopoly, power and control of the world government. To regular secret congresses to which the corporations send their senior officers to receive instructions. Crises in the world economy are the agony of dying capitalism in the fight against Rockefeller’s imperialism-Marxism.
It is naive to expect the next US administration to revive the old model of industrial capitalism, and attempts to revive small and medium-sized enterprises are naive. It is futile to revive a drowning man. The corrupt U.S. government has long been under the control of the secret world government, and all the assurances of the candidates to heal the economy are nothing more than a game with the voters. With the launch of the economic globalization program, American industrial capitalism has moved to China. America is ruled by financial sharks and the military-industrial complex, a whip for other countries. Marxism lives and mimics, reproduces like a vampire. How many new rivers of blood will Rockefeller’s National Communism shed? In the next world war, which will be unleashed in the Middle East, the count is already open and counts millions of victims.
David Rockefeller, banker, son and grandson of bankers, was 102 years old (1915-2017). Seven hearts, six of them from donors, helped him live that long. He headed the Council on Foreign Relations from 1954 until his death. Rockefeller was the youngest director in the organization’s history. He led the board as chairman from 1970 until 1985, when he became chairman emeritus. His grandfather, John, dreamed of earning $100,000 and living to be 100. Reality surpassed his dreams; his grandfather earned a billion dollars but lived to be 97. He did not quite make it to 100.
His grandson, who as a child dreamed of bending the world to his will, also got his dreams fulfilled. David Rockefeller appointed and dismissed presidents, arranged wars and world crises. He did not hide his activities, and he recounted them in his memoirs, which are available to readers on the World Wide Web. Here is just one paragraph from his revelations:
“…For more than a hundred years, ideological extremists at all ends of the political spectrum have enthusiastically cited certain well-known events…only to blame the Rockefeller family for the pervasive, threatening influence they claim we exert on American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a cabal, a secret political group working against the interests of the United States, characterizing my family and myself as “internationalists” conspiring with other groups around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I plead guilty, and I am proud of it. D. Rockefeller. Memoirs. Page 405.
According to Rockefeller, all peacemakers who protest wars are ideological extremists. He saw himself as the savior of humanity, the leader of an organization that provoked crises and financed wars. The opposite understanding of good and evil. Compare the meaning of his words with the text of the protocols attributed to the gendarmes of the tsarist secret police:
“… so that the true side of things does not become known to the goyim in advance, we cover it up with the pretended desire to serve the working classes and the great economic principles which our economic theories actively propagate…” Protocol No. 6.
The ideas and intentions of this source can be read in Rockefeller’s statements, can’t they? Did he have any unfulfilled dreams at the end of his life? Perhaps he dreamed of having the power to send earthquakes and tsunamis, droughts and floods. That is, to replace God. Or Satan? Everything a man dreams of in colorful dreams, David Rockefeller tried in real life. He led and left behind a secret government that is dangerous to humanity because the overwhelming majority of its members are people with the same logic, the same aspirations as its honorary chairman preached.
(Chapter from the “Nomenclature” section of the book)
© Copyright: Walter Maria, 2014 Certificate of publication No. 214032101704
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