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The 20th century was full of bloody dramas. The delusion of Marxism multiplied and grew with the spiders of communism, Nazism, Zionism, anarchism, chauvinism, and dozens of other “isms”. These spiders conducted wild experiments in different countries and organized world wars in which tens of millions, of whole nations became their victims. Mankind entered a new century and many thought that with the defeat of Nazism in the Second World Hot War and with the collapse of feudal-Stalinist socialism in the Cold War, mankind was saved from the darkness of these doctrines and wars remained in the past. But only the naive people thought so. Experiments on people continue and millions have already died in them and new millions remain physically and mentally crippled.

Curiosity is inherent in every child. But as children grow up, it atrophies, disappears in the primitiveness of life, and for many, it drowns in the streams of propaganda. The consciousness of the majority becomes entangled in myths and false dogmas. Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the Great British Empire, once said that the victors write history. As a true Englishman, he was succinct, I would only wish to elaborate that the victors compose myths and then order their obedient vassals to write the books in which those myths are to become history and as such delivered to millions. Churchill died when I was only 15 years old, and at that young age, I did not yet have an opinion on the subject. But later, as I studied the history of warfare as an adult, I became convinced that the winners and losers in war are a controversial issue that only time can answer. Proof of this is Germany, which was defeated in two world wars and became the strongest country in Europe again, to which masses of people from the countries recognized as winners are surrendering until today.

Yes, myths are created by storytellers, and their masters and politicians make the masses believe in these myths. In the Soviet Union, for example, the interpretation of history changed with each master, who was the general secretary of the country’s only communist party. As I grew older, my curiosity led me to reject the books of the titular liars and try to find answers on my own.
Hoping to find answers to why people start wars, I first began to study religious teachings. But I soon realized that these teachings were also myths. I became convinced that there was more hatred than love in religious teachings. For the simple reason that each religion considers itself the only true religion and seeks to gather more fanatical followers and send them to kill those who profess another religion.
In search of an answer, then, I turned to philosophers. In the writings of these men, many of whom were not quite sane and ended their lives in asylums, I found only the endeavors of vain idiots to glorify themselves in history. So I quit reading this garbage as well.

So I decided to turn to the memoirs of those who had lived through the war, seen death, and experienced hardship. I began to study the diaries of soldiers who were in the trenches on both sides of the front. And in the soldiers’ revelations, I found what I was looking for. I realized that the truth is always in the neutral zone, between the trenches. Politicians steal the glory from the soldiers and leave them with the shame of defeat. And they hide the truth from the people.
The efforts of any power are always aimed at turning its subjects into dummies, replacing their brains with sawdust. For this purpose, it is enough to infect ordinary people with consumerism, to entangle them with credits, and to plunge them into a cocoon of problems from which they cannot get out. In this modern slavery, some pamper themselves with expensive cars and outfits from glamorous couturiers. But these few are weasels and thieves who lick their masters’ asses. Those who do not have such a flexible tongue drink alcohol and long for the times when vodka was cheaper.

Studying events and facts, comparing expert assessments, and building cause-and-effect chains in search of the truth, I finally became convinced that politicians and their obliging academics always feeding people a surrogate, distorted version of history. And then I came to the point of writing my book, to tell about all the wars and revolutions of the twentieth century in it, about the experiments of politicians on people. To write a truthful history book for those whose brains are not yet frozen by propaganda. So that at least some would begin to understand how they are deceived by politicians, dragged into their wars, and sent to death. I call this my book “The History for Dummies”. It could be a plastic mannequin on display in a shop window and a poorly educated humanoid. You choose.

We know from the history of past centuries that wars used to be local. When two neighbors fought over a piece of land. Or one attacked the other to rob, convert, and enslave.
But in the twentieth century, wars became world wars, each involving dozens of countries. The nature of the wars was changed by political doctrines, especially Marxism, which multiplied like poisonous spiders. This delusional doctrine urged the poor to hate and destroy the rich. However, it was the rich bankers who financed the poor revolts when they realized that this doctrine would help them conquer the world. I explained the duality of this political doctrine in my book, which I began writing on the day of the tragedy that occurred in America on 11 September 2001. That tragedy was called ‘Black Tuesday’. But the poorly educated slaves who have embraced Marxism will make the whole new century black.

Years after the tragedy, I had the idea of surveying the general public, asking them with one simple question how many buildings were demolished in Manhattan on the morning of ‘Black Tuesday’? It was easy for me to do as a part-time taxi driver in those days.
I asked my question at different times of the day and in different parts of the city. My respondents were businessmen and lawyers, doctors and engineers, rednecks, prostitutes and drug dealers. In the end, I interviewed about two hundred people from all walks of life. It may surprise you, but I didn’t get ONE right answer! Even though it’s only been ten years since the tragedy!
The famous American novelist Gore Vidal, who had a subtle sense of humor, once joked that the abbreviation USA stood for “United States of Amnesia”. Amnesia is the loss of memory. Based on my own life experience, having lived for many years in countries with different political systems, observing the lives of people of different colors, cultures and religions, I can say that the population of many countries is affected by this syndrome. The bacilli of consumerism are more deadly than knowledge. People who do not know their history and cannot remember the past have an unenviable future.

I know that the masses, zombified by the propaganda of their politicians, are always suspicious or even hostile to anything that does not conform to the dogma drummed into their heads. My book is written in simple language and is easy to understand, but I afraid that much of it will remain inaccessible to the zombified. So I address it to those who are thoughtful, who can read and analyze.
The first part of the book is about how Marxism came to America from Europe and what it did in the most freedom-loving country in the world. One day, just over 100 years ago, a certain powerful group of bankers, who had adopted Marxism as their powerful weapon, conspired against the people of America. The purpose of the conspiracy was to seize control of the country’s government and financial system. It was essentially a plan to destroy the Constitution and turn a republic of free men into an empire ruled by gold.
The book tells the story of those who financed revolutions in Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary and who were the architects of two world wars. Readers will learn about those who profited from the Cold War, why and how the USSR collapsed, and what it meant for millions of citizens of many countries who knew nothing about Marxism and only now, having lived through the dramas of two world wars and being afraid that the third world war is already knocking at their doors they are beginning to learn about the Evil Empire called Russia that was preparing this nightmare to the world all those years.

Nowadays, you do not have to pay anything to get information. But the ignorance to get information could cost you everything.

Published inHistory & Politics


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