All the dubious political experts are trying to predict one event or another. Today, these “political scientists” are everywhere predicting the end of the war in Ukraine. Knowing that they are in demand by the ears of the common man, they do not hesitate to name the dates so that later, in case of coincidence, they can praise themselves: “I told you, I foresaw it…” They probably learned charlatanism from fortune tellers, shamans and tricksters like Kashpirovsky or Chumak (Russians..?).
The priests are more experienced and inventive. They assure the flock that only they have access to God’s revelations. They say that man assumes and God disposes. And they don’t hesitate to talk nonsense, knowing that all their stories will be blamed on the Almighty, saying that if it didn’t happen, it was the will of heaven.
Psychologists are not far behind. They know about man’s weaknesses, they know that he has a short memory and repeats the mistakes of the past. They find scientific justification for their babble by saying that the history of the human race is a spiral, which means that we are all doomed to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. And there’s nothing we can do about it.
But let’s leave the hypocrites to their verbal amusement and turn to the historical facts that have been confirmed by time. To anticipate the end of this war, it is enough to remember the causes, events and secrets of the last great war, about which politicians and their obedient vassals, the historians, have been creating myths and deceiving people for decades.

The two dwarfs, Lenin and Trotsky, became dictators in the conquered tsarist empire. After getting rid of them, the third dwarf, Stalin, carried out Trotsky’s will that socialism could only survive in perpetual war. Stalin inherited a peasant empire that was not fit for war. War requires boots, tanks and planes. And brains in engineering. Stalin took advantage of the situation when the most technologically advanced country had a crisis in 1929 that plunged it into the darkness of the Great Depression.
Stalin offered full employment to American industrialists, offered to industrialize his lapdog empire, and promised to pay in gold. The gold came from the stolen czarist treasury, and the millions of slave laborers were in the Gulag concentration camps. Stalin sent them to so-called “Komsomol construction sites” in exchange for soup, where they could hope to catch something other than rotten cabbage. To survive.
Chancellor von Bismarck once told the Marxists: “If you want to build socialism, choose a simpler country. The Marxists did just that in their chosen backward Russia, where they took advantage of the anarchy following the abdication of the Tsar to seize power and unleash Red Terror and genocide, murdering and robbing Russians, looting and burning museums and churches. Trotsky, a 33rd degree Mason, created the Cheka, a punitive body modeled on the Masonic order, and recruited only Jews. For example, members of the Revolutionary Tribunal, which sentenced thousands to death, were the grandparents of the Georgian-Jewish writer Chkhvartishvili, who lived in Soviet Moscow under the pseudonym “B. Akunin’. His grandfather and grandmother were given the murdered family’s apartment as a reward for their fanatical service to the regime. B. Akunin himself fell out of favor with the current dwarf and left the country to live abroad, from where he sadly announced that he only had an epiphany in 2014. He blames the Kremlin ghoul for everything and dreams of resurrecting the Empire. Where did he get his pen name? Mikhail Bakunin was a Russian writer, anarchist, and revolutionary philosopher. Georgian Chkhvartishvili chose this pseudonym for himself, as if to suggest that he was also a bit of an anarchist. But he separated the first letters of his pseudonym with a dot, and this dot was the finger in his pants, which he cowardly showed to the regime.

The Marxists also tried to seize power in Germany. They succeeded in Bavaria, which they called the “Bavarian Soviet Republic”. It was proclaimed by a ‘Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies’ composed of four Jews who had never been workers or soldiers. The committee was headed by one Eugene Nissen, who used the pseudonym “Levine. The other three were Toller, Eisner and Landauer. They were actively financed by Lenin and Trotsky, who sent their partners a share of the loot from Russia.
The “Kosher Republic” lasted 20 days, from April 13 to May 3, 1919. The German military restored order, and the conspirators Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were shot; the rest managed to escape to Moscow, where Lenin and Trotsky founded the “Comintern,” a union that threatened Europe with another war and world revolution.
The attempt to seize power in Austria-Hungary also failed. Oskar Jassy, a former minister in the Karolyi revolutionary government that was defeated by Béla Kun, wrote in the early 1920s: “…the number of Jewish leaders of the Bolshevik movement in Hungary was as high as 95 percent…”. This regime of bandits was liquidated by units of the regular army of France and Romania, and Bela Kun also fled to Lenin, where in the Crimea he pumped Russian blood, shooting and hanging Russian officers of the White Army, refugees, women, old men and children.
You may wonder why all the Jews took part in the revolutions. The true essence of Karl Marx’s teachings was to pit the poor against the rich and use the hands of millions of fools to seize power for a group of rulers. This diabolical plan found its cynical interpretation in the theses of Asher Ginsberg’s Practical Zionism. His program of action to achieve world domination was proclaimed at the 11th Zionist Congress in Vienna in 1913 and was immediately accepted. The creator of the doctrine of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, dreamed of a land for the Jews in the sands of Palestine. Ginsberg stated in his program that Herzl was a naive dreamer, that his doctrine was utopian, and that Palestine was to be a stepping stone for the Jews from which they would begin to conquer the world. That is why his program was adopted and financed by the Jewish bankers, and the executors of their will and the leaders of the crowds of beggars were their soldiers, the Jewish revolutionaries. And the disgraced Herzl died of mental illness before his 44th birthday. His children abandoned their father and converted to Christianity.
Here are some of the theses of Ginzburg’s program:
‘…Politics has nothing to do with morality…Whoever wants to rule must resort to both cunning and hypocrisy…Violence must be the principle and cunning and hypocrisy the rule…’.
‘… To control public opinion, it is necessary to confuse society by provoking so many contradictory opinions from different sides, until the goyim get lost in the maze and realize that it is best to have no opinion on political questions which they are not supposed to know, because only the one who leads society knows them…’.
‘… It is necessary to constantly torment the attitudes of the people and governments in all countries, to overwork everyone with discord, enmity, strife, hatred, and hunger… so that the goyim see no other result than to resort to our monetary and total domination. But if we give the nations a respite, the desirable moment will hardly ever come…’.
Reading the theses of this political program, a normal person would think that only schizophrenics who hate humanity could preach such a thing. And a normal person will understand why Soviet Russia, which made this schizoid program the manifesto of its foreign policy, is called the Evil Empire.

Council of People’s Commissars:
- Chairman of the SNK Lenin (Ulyanov) – Jew/Tatar
- Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin – Russian
- Commissar for Nationalities Stalin (Dzhugashvili) – Georgian
- Commissar of Agriculture Proshyan – Armenian
- Commissar of Army and Navy Trotsky (Bronstein) – Jew
- Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council Larin (Lurie) – Jew
- Commissioner for Reconstruction Shlichter – Jew
- Commissioner of State Lands Kaufman – Jew
- Commissioner of State Control Lander – Jew
- Commissioner of Public Works Schmidt V. – Jew
- Commissioner of Social Welfare Lilina (Knigissen) – Jew
- Commissar of Public Education Lunacharsky (Bailikh) – Jew
- Commissioner of Religions Spitzberg – Jew
- Commissioner of Public Hygiene Anvelt – Jew
- Commissioner of Internal Affairs Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) – Jew
- Commissar of Finance Gukovsky – Jew
- Commissar of Press Volodarsky (Kogan) – Jew
- Commissar for Elections Uritsky – Jew
- Commissar of Justice Steinberg – Jew
- Commissar for Evacuation Affairs Sheginstein – Jew
- His assistants: Ravich, Zaslavsky – both Jews
People’s Commissariat for Army and Navy Affairs - Trotsky (Bronstein) – Jew
- Predrevstab of the Northern Army Fishman – Jew
- Chairman of the Council of Armies of the Western Front Pozern – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Moscow Military District Gubelman – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Vitebsk Military District Deib – Jew
- Political Commissar of the 12th Army Sheichik (or Meichik?) – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Samara Division Bekman – Jew
- Political Commissar of the 4th Army Headquarters Livenson – Jew
- Military Judicial Commissar of the 12th Army Romm – Jew
- People’s Commissar Trotsky (Bronstein) – Jew
- Predrevstab of the Northern Army Fishman – Jew
- Chairman of the Council of Armies of the Western Front Pozern – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Moscow Military District Gubelman – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Vitebsk Military District Deib – Jew
- Political Commissar of the 12th Army Sheichik (or Meichik?) – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Samara Division Bekman – Jew
- Political Commissar of the 4th Army Headquarters Livenson – Jew
- Military Judicial Commissar of the 12th Army Romm – Jew
- Commissar of military requisitions of Slutsk Kalmanovich – Jew
- Military Commissar of the Samara Division Gluzman – Jew
- Commissar of requisitions of the Moscow Military District Zusmanovich – Jew
- Chairman of the Main Moscow Military Council Trotsky (Bronstein) – Jew
- His assistants: Hirshfeld, Sklyansky – both Jews
- Members of the same council: Shorodak, Petch – Jews
- Commissioner of requisitions of the Moscow District Detachment Zusmanovich – Jew
- Chairman of the Main Moscow Military Council Trotsky (Bronstein) – Jew
- His assistants: Hirshfeld, Sklyansky – both Jews
- Members of the same council: Shorodak, Petch – Jews
- Military commissars of the Moscow province: Steingard – Jew, Dulis – Latvian
- Committee of the Border Guard School Glaser – Jew
- Political commissars of the 15th Division Dzelis – Latvian, Polonsky – Jew.
- Committee of the Military Council of the Caucasian Armies:
- Lechtiner – Jew
- Extraordinary Commissars of the Eastern Front Bruno, Shulman – Jews
- Members of the Caucasian Military Council Rosenfeld, Meinhof, Rosenholtz – Jews
- Commander of the Red Army in Yaroslavl Gekker – Jew
- Head of the Petrograd Military Commissariat Peiger – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Petrograd Military District Gittis – Jew
- Commander of the Eastern Front Vatsetis – Latvian
- Member of the Council of the Military Commune (former Austrian officer) Kolman – Jew
- Chief of the Moscow Military District Bitsis – Latvian
- Military Commissar of the Moscow Military District Metkaz – Jew
- Chief of Defence of Crimea Zak – Jew
- Commander of the Kursk Front Sluzin – Jew
- His assistant Zilberman – Jew
- Political Commissar of the Rumanian Front Spiro – Jew
- Commissioner for Peace Negotiations with Germany Davidovich – Jew
- People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (all Jews)
- People’s Commissar Zinoviev (Apfelbaum)
- Head of the Propaganda Department Goldenrudin
- Assistant People’s Commissar Uritsky
- Chairman of the Economic Commission of the Petrograd Commune Ender
- Vice-chairman of the hygiene commission Rudnik
- Commissioner for the evacuation of refugees Fenigstein
- his assistants: Krokhmal (Zagorsky), Abramovich
- Commissioner of the Petrograd press Volodarsky
- Petrograd mayor Shneider
- Moscow mayor Minor
- Commissioner of the Moscow Press Krasikov
- Commissar of the Petrograd police Faerman
- Head of the Press Bureau Martinson
- Moscow Commissar of Public Security Rosenthal
- Collegium of the VChK
- Chairman Dzerzhinsky – Pole
- Deputy Chairman Peters – Latvian
- Members of the Collegium (all Jews):
- Shklovsky, Kneifis, Tseistin, Rozmirovich, Kronberg, Haikina, Leontovich, Rivkin, Delafabre, Blumkin, Aleksandrovich, Tsitkin, Reitenberg, Fines, Zaks, Goldin J., Gelperstein, Knigissen, Deibkin, Shiplenkus, Rozmirovich E., Sverdlov G..
- Karlsson, Lacis, Deibil, Zakis, Janson – Latvians.
- Shahumyan, Seizan – Armenians. Vogel – German. Antonov – Russian
- Head of Taganskaya Prison Libert – Jew
- Collegium of the Petrograd Cheka
- Sheinkman, Giller, Model, Rozmirovich I., Krasikov, Bukhyan, Annert, Iselevich – Jews.
- Kozlovsky – a Pole.
- Diasperov – Armenian.
- Merbis, Poynis – Latvians.
- Chairman of the commission of the Troubetzsky Bastion and the Peter and Paul Fortress Model – Jew
- People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs
- People’s Commissar Chicherin – Russian, his wife is Jewish.
- Assistant Commissars: Karakhan – Jew.
- Fritsche – Latvian (?)
- The director of the passport expedition, Margolin, is a Jew
- Ambassador in Berlin Ioffe – Jew
- Head of the Press and Information Bureau at the Embassy in Berlin Axelrod – Jew
- Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary to Paris and London Beck – Jew
- Envoy to Christiania (now Oslo) Beitler – Jew.
- Consul in Glasgow Malkin – Jew.
- Chairman of the peace delegation in Kiev Rakovsky is a Jew.
- His assistant Manuilsky – Jew
- Consul General in Kiev Grünbaum (Kshevinsky) – Jew
- Legal Counsellor Astshub (Ilsen) – Jew.
- Consul General in Odessa Bok A. – Jew
- Ambassador to the USA Martens – German
In the days of the final victory of the armies of Leiba Bronstein (Lev Trotsky) on the last white front in the Crimea, the Jewish newspaper The American Hibru wrote on 20 September 1920:
“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains. What was magnificently done in Russia by Jewish brains, Jewish discontent and Jewish planning, will be done throughout the world by the same Jewish mental and physical forces”.

In the mid-1930s, the Americans and Germans had industrialized (militarized) peasant Soviet Russia. Their dictator Stalin, who had put millions of serfs under the gun, zombified by promises of universal equality and fraternity, was ready to invade and plunder Europe. The first target was Germany and in this, Stalin was secretly supported by the architects of the First World War, the bankers who financed Lenin, Trotsky, Liebknecht and other mercenaries. They had already declared economic war on Germany in 1933 and now, watching the Kremlin’s preparations were rubbing their hands in anticipation of the realization of their plan. For the moneylenders, war means billions of dollars in profits and the financial slavery of millions of people who will be impoverished in the war and will forever become debtors to the bankers.
In the First World War, surrounded by enemies on all sides, Germany lost. No one had ever won a war on three fronts. Hundreds of thousands of German soldiers were returning home. And at home, they found devastation, hunger, unemployment, rampant crime and Marxists. In 1919, at Versailles, a humiliated Germany was divided and plundered. It lost all its colonies outside Europe. In Europe itself, Germany lost 13 per cent of its territory (more than 43,200 square kilometers) and a tenth of its population (6.5 to 7 million people). German territory went to France, Denmark, Belgium, Poland and Czechoslovakia. The Rhineland was demilitarized and Germany was forbidden to station troops or build fortifications there. Germany lost important ports on the Baltic Sea.
At the time, the Rothschild banking house cynically declared that it was time to buy up property in Germany. The Rothschilds financed the German Jews. They bought factories, shops, newspapers, and radio stations for next to nothing. The Germans were thrown out of the gates and replaced by their own. At night, the nouveau riche dined in restaurants while the Germans scavenged through rubbish dumps for scraps of food. You can imagine a homeless Negro scavenging in a New York garbage dump. But it’s hard to imagine a German like that in his own country. Across Germany, works of art were bought up, the Rembrandt painting from the family archive was exchanged for a sack of flour or rotten potatoes. In this way, those who had once found refuge on German soil profited. The Germans will remember this. And one day they will remind that to those who forgot about it.
(The same thing was done in the frenzy of the 90s in the collapsed USSR by Gusinsky, Abramovich, Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky, Fridman and the like…).
The whole of the German working class was outraged and it ended in a bloody revolt. Hitler, who had been a soldier in that war, became one of the leaders of the National Socialist Party, the organizer of a putsch against a government of political impotence and traitors. But the putsch was crushed, fourteen of its participants were killed and the instigators were sent to prison.
The trial took place in March 1924. Hitler refused to be defended and acted as prosecutor, taking full responsibility for the putsch. He vehemently denied the charges of treason, saying in his speech: “What kind of criminal am I, when my life aims to restore Germany’s honour and place in the world? I want to destroy Bolshevism, and I intend to achieve my goal. A man born to be a dictator is not subject to the will of others, he wills it himself; he is not pushed by anyone, he goes forward himself, and there is nothing reprehensible in that. The man who is destined to lead the people has no right to say, “If you want me, I will come. No, he must come himself..!”
Hitler was a novice politician, and he was the first of all politicians, as early as 1924, to expose the plans of the Marxist-Bolsheviks and to recognize the danger from the East that threatened European civilization. After becoming chancellor in January 1933, Hitler set about reviving the German economy. Refusing to borrow from the bankers, he introduced a barter system in which Germany exchanged its locomotives, machine tools and technical innovations for grain, meat and everything else it needed, without going into debt to usurers. And the usurers, having lost their profits, decided to destroy Germany.
As early as March 1933, the World Jewish Conference (later renamed the Jewish Congress), which was and still is headed by the Rothschild banking house, declared an economic boycott of Germany. This was effectively a declaration of war! In response, Hitler suggested that the Jews leave the country, saying he didn’t want any traitors. You may be interested for the causes and perpetrators of anti-Semitism in Germany in the 1930s. I’ve just given them to you.
Before the invasion of Russia, Wehrmacht troops were ordered not to arrest commissars, political instructors and communists, but to shoot them on the spot.
Hitler’s program of the liberation movement against the Red Plague was described in his book called “Mein Kampf”. And Kremlin propagandists were ordered to present Hitler’s war of liberation as a war of conquest. Hitler’s march into Soviet Russia was understood only in Stalin-occupied western Ukraine, where the inhabitants welcomed the Germans with bread and salt.
But Stalin once again managed to deceive America and drag it into the war on his side. The Americans had an epiphany only towards the end of the war, when the Supreme Allied Commander, later President, General Dwight Eisenhower, after meeting with Stalin’s military leaders, said: ‘We have been chasing the wrong fox.
And the American secret services rushed to recruit Hitler’s professionals, war specialists and experts on Stalinist Bolshevism. They recruited 300,000, a third of a million, from the German population. These specialists helped the Americans to equip their army, air force, navy and space industry with the latest weapons that no one else in the world had.

One of the most accurate answers to this question can be found in the prophecy and penance of G.V. Plekhanov, the teacher and patron of the evil dwarf Ulyanov-Lenin.
A socialist, Plekhanov argued in 1918 that the teachings of Karl Marx were being perverted in dark, battered and servile Russia. Many years later, examples of the implementation of socialist ideas in countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada and the USA confirmed this. These ideas were not translated into political programs.
In world and domestic politics, all developed countries of the West unanimously follow the conclusions of the ancient philosophers that only ‘demos kratos’ distinguishes the community of homo sapiens from a tribe of savages or a pack of monkeys. Savages and apes obey their leader and obediently follow the whims of the one who has gnawed away at the other pretenders to power.
Democracy is the power of the people that distinguishes a free man from a slave. Slaves do not understand the difference between freedom and anarchy. Those who have never been slaves have realized, in their quest to create a society of equals, that freedom is a colossal responsibility of the individual in such a community. In this understanding of the nature of democracy, this is perhaps the main feature that distinguishes the society that has replaced feudalism, in which the leader still rules, be it a tsar, a king, a sultan or a dictator who calls himself president. And those nationalities for whom ‘demos kratos’ and freedom are unknown – even in the twenty-first century they have what their ancestors had in the depths of the Middle Ages.
The ideas of the socialists have been embodied in the countries of the triumph of reason, in social programs of health and education, where the older generation, having worked for decades for the benefit of their people, pass the baton to the young, receiving for their work a dignified gratitude and a secure old age. And the new generation receives a quality education that guarantees professional demand and numerous benefits. And, having reached the highest level of their development, they no longer understand the language of the apes. Sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists have been studying the vices and habits of animals for centuries. But politicians do not read the studies of psychiatrists, so they do not know how to talk to those who already stand on their hind legs but have forgotten to hide their tails.
Plekhanov regretted having introduced Lenin to the progressive circles of people in Europe who were thinking of a peaceful transition from feudalism to a new political formation. He must have been misled by Lenin’s shoes, shirt and tie – the civilized clothes hiding a political bandit. Lenin, having learned from the socialists, planned to use their ideas so that the mobs of bandits and slaves like himself, zombified by them, would seize power for him. When Plekhanov realized this, he tried to stop his pupil: “Vladimir, don’t do this. Russia is not ready for such changes, you will drown it in blood!
To which the student replied with a grin: “I don’t care if ninety per cent kill each other. Those remaining will help me!”
Plekhanov wrote his prophecy at the time:
“…The path of the Bolsheviks, however short or long it may be, will inevitably be marked by falsification of history, crimes, lies, demagogy and dishonourable deeds. Their tactics, their ideology, their method of dispossession, their unbridled terror – all this makes it safe to say that the collapse of the Bolsheviks is imminent. The terror on which the Bolsheviks rely is the power of the bayonet. I admit to the idea that Lenin, relying on total terror, will emerge victorious from the civil war he so insistently seeks. In that case, Bolshevik Russia will be politically and economically isolated and will inevitably become a military camp where the citizens are frightened by imperialism and fed on promises.
But sooner or later the time will come when the fallacy of Lenin’s ideas will become obvious to all, Bolshevik socialism will collapse like a house of cards… The future of Russia will be largely determined by how long the Bolsheviks remain in power. Sooner or later it will return to its natural course of development, but the longer the Bolshevik dictatorship, the more painful this return will be…
A country cannot be great if its people are poor. The wealth of a state lies in the wealth of its people. The true greatness of a country is determined not by its territory or even its history, but by its democratic traditions and the standard of living of its citizens. As long as the citizens are poor, as long as there is no democracy, the country is not guaranteed against social upheaval and even disintegration…”.
(From G.V. Plekhanov’s Political Testament, 1918)
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