History is an eloquent storyteller. It often gets so carried away that it contradicts itself. Knowing this sin, politicians add their own fabrications, lies. They do this to have power over their subjects. They know that if their lies remain undetected, they will remain clean. As a result, the history of mankind is represented by legends, myths and even mere jokes.
Whatever is desired always prevails in the imagination; a fairy tale leads away from grey reality into the world of dreams. The public grabs fiction like a stupid crucian fish at bait. Science has lost out to politics precisely because it cannot lie. Scientists do not believe in fairy tales; they look for proof or refutation. To show people the nature of lies, scientists invented the science of psychology, which explains what drives people in their desire to pass off fantasies as reality. But this science was not enough to convince people not to believe in fairy tales. So, another was invented. This is social psychology, and it is the only science in which there is no place for emotion. When investigating a historical event or a crime, social psychology suggests relying on cause-and-effect relationships.
The average person satisfies his curiosity by finding the answer to the question WHO DID IT. But the sociologist goes further. Along the chain of cause and effect, he gets to the depths where human vices are hidden, to get the answer to the question WHY HE DID IT.
There are not many researchists, and meticulous and honest are very few. In order to tell people the truth, an honest sociologist must refute the fabrications of politicians. Knowing the kind of revenge politicians are capable of, not everyone will take the risk. For example, here is an explanation of a fact from the history of the Second World War by two historians:
COWARDLY HISTORIAN: “…the Nazis persecuted the Jews, which led to the Holocaust.” Then this historian gives figures and lists everything that can help him get prizes, titles and awards for his work. He does not look for the reason why the Nazis did it. He knows that if he looks for it, he will get something else instead of prizes, titles and awards. In distant places.
METICULOUS HISTORIAN: “…two months after Hitler came to power, in March 1933, the World Jewish Conference, later known as the World Jewish Congress, declared economic war on Germany in the name of all Jews. The Rothschild banking house headed this organization and continues to head it today. This declaration of war was the beginning of the conflict. The reason for the declaration of economic war was the Rothschilds’ unwillingness to share power with the might of Germany, which was quickly regaining its power after its defeat in the First World War. The Rothschilds built their empire in France and Britain. It is therefore no coincidence that it was France and Britain who declared war on Germany in September 1939, taking advantage of the Polish-German conflict. No other country declared war on Germany, but politicians and bankers convinced the whole world that Hitler had started the war.
And back in 1933, in response to declaration of economic war to Germany, Chancellor Hitler suggested that the Jews return industrial enterprises to German hands and leave Germany, making it clear that the Germans did not need traitors in the country. But the Jews were in no hurry to leave, and they began to be stripped of their political rights. The next step was their forced deportation from the country. By 1938, 170,000 of the 525,000 Jews had left the country. There were still 350,000 in the country.
In November 1938, the extremist Herschel Grynszpan, whose family had been deported from Germany, shot the secretary of the German embassy in Paris, Ernst vom Rath. The diplomat’s murder sparked a pogrom of Jewish shops across Germany, the shattered glass of which became known as “Kristallnacht”. The enraged Germans called for the deportation of all Jews. For the Germans, the diplomat’s murder was a clear repetition of what had provoked the First World War and the devastation of their country”.
A meticulous historian and sociologist went to the roots of the tragedy of the Jewish population in Germany and named the culprits. It was the Jews themselves.
A question for readers: will this historian’s book be published?
There have always been not many of such researchers, you can count them on your fingers. They have been few because not all knowledge can be acquired in lectures. Observation and life experience, accumulated over decades, help to expand knowledge. In such a lifelong educational process, many of the researchers passed away. Or died of disease. There were also not many of them, because the dictators whose myths the sociologists exposed simply kill them. And they continue to kill them to this day.
People live thoughtlessly, without thinking about the transience of life and the truths handed down to them by their ancestors. Many people do not live to the age when they begin to think about what is going on around them, and crowds of people are completely primitive in their actions, made so by newspapers and television. Politicians control the crowd and destroy those who think about what is going on. I have learnt to understand the truths of life not only from the works of the world’s classics, but also through decades of wandering around the world. I belong to the generation that learnt life in the bygone century. To observe and compare the four generations of Homo sapiens, to see how each new generation repeats the mistakes of the past, is a tedious task.
If we assume that nature has given us 100 years of life, then human life can be divided into four segments: In the first 25 years, a person gets acquainted with the society in which he or she lives and learns to survive in it. Between the ages of 25 and 50, a person tries to use the knowledge and survival experience gained to establish himself or herself in society and start a family to continue the species. In the third segment, between the ages of 50 and 75, man is already cynical enough, he has learnt to adapt and survive amongst his own kind. Those who could not – died. And in the last segment of life, man comes to understanding that the human world is a garbage dump. He tries to protect himself from the stench and realizes that he has crossed the line beyond which another countdown of his remaining lifetime. He begins to appreciate every day he lives.
During my travels I have studied, observed, compared and evaluated the habits, manners and characters of people. This experience helped me to survive in the ocean of human passions. It is impossible for someone who studies life from the TV screen and lives under parental care. Even if such a person has read a lot of books and received theoretical knowledge at university, he or she does not yet have his or her own practice. In his endeavor to accumulate his own practice, an ordinary person will live according to the standards of his society, will live his life exactly as I have described above. Only some people are given a chance by fate to live a colorful life. Their life is full of adventure, and it is a wonderful life!
It is not history but sociology that can explain human actions. Artists and writers, poets and composers have created wonderful works. But having shown the destructiveness of passion in them, they could not penetrate the depths of it. Sociologists have done that, and their observations are priceless. They are also priceless because they are more powerful than the apologists of any religion. Religion, after all, is dogma, generously seasoned with myths and horror stories for the masses. That is why politicians do not make friends with sociologists. They make friends with churchmen who help them control the crowd. The crowd believes in the myths and tramples on or burns at the stake anyone who dares to contradict them. Perhaps that is why there are fewer sociologists than churchmen and Nobel Prize winners. If wild animals kill their own kind to satisfy their hunger, man kills his own kind to satisfy his vices. As the writer Stanislav Jerzy Lech once sadly joked: “If an animal would kill on purpose, it would be a human act…”

In the USSR, Marxism-Leninism was the religion of the masses. Marxism-Leninism promised equality, fraternity and happiness. It promised this to the masses and led them to obedience and patience. To make the masses obedient, the politicians had a whip and dogs, the same tools that shepherds use to bring stray sheep back to the flock. Without the worship of Marxism-Leninism, it was impossible to get a higher education or a successful career. If you want to achieve – join the party, become an accomplice. And those who did not want to, or who strayed from the herd, were dealt with by the KGB.
How did the masses get what they were promised?
Equality – it was achieved in the early years by two simple arithmetical operations – subtraction and division. Don’t stick your neck out – was the condition for equality in the crowd. Everyone jealously watched everyone, and if someone did better than others he was snitched to KGB. And KGB let the dogs lose.
Brotherhood – there was no problem with that either. The country was a labor camp surrounded by barbed wire, each ram in it was tied to a stall with a residence permit, and they called it the Union of Fraternal Peoples.
Happiness – somehow it didn’t work. From time to time the obedient became disobedient, rebelled, and during the war fled in their millions, surrendering to the enemy. And then the Marxist-Leninists came up with communism: “From each – according to his ability, to each – according to his need”. In other words, all were promised paid idleness. The first to buy into this fairy tale were the parasites and drunkards. They fell on their knees before the shepherds, swore allegiance to them and said they were ready to fight with the whole world for communism. And it worked for many years! The shepherds were happy. They knew that the sheep would go where they were promised a meadow with juicy grass. Especially if the grass was free and you didn’t have to plough hard to get it.
So, 100 years have passed. In the main square of the capital of the Union of Brotherly Peoples, the remains of their chief narrator, the most vicious criminal on the planet, lie rotting. Obedient rams continue to lead their lambs there, introducing them to religion. So that the young, having sniffed the smell of a corpse, are imbued with the promised communism and wait without complaint. In any normal society, every individual contributes his knowledge to society. And society is ready to share this knowledge with the world. The world judges this or that country by how it proves its willingness and desire to participate in the progress of the whole of humanity, to be with everyone, together.
Nikolai Berdyaev, a banned philosopher in the USSR, was one of the few who understood Karl Marx’s theory to conquer the world for the chosen few at the hands of the rabble. Berdyaev threatened to beat Marx’s pimply face for that. And he defined a society of universal equality as “…a society of poor, weak and stupid people, based on violence…“. In his work “Self-Knowledge”, the philosopher posted that the only means of survival for the poor, weak and stupid in the land of serfs and slaves of Tsarist Russia was and is cunning. Russian writers Saltykov-Shchedrin, Karamzin and Dostoevsky wrote about this national “quality”. And this is where Karl Marx probably got scared that his face will be smashed in, so he corrected the annotation to his doctrine, pointing out that it was written for Europeans, not for Asians : “Russia, which has nothing to do with Rus, and which received, or rather stole, its present name in the eighteenth century, nevertheless shamelessly lays claim to the historical heritage of Rus, which was created eight hundred years earlier. The history of Moscow, however, is the history of the Horde, sewn with a white thread to the history of Rus and completely falsified”.

Europe’s one of the most famous socialist G.V. Plekhanov, claimed that Marx’s theory had been distorted in the proletarian empire. Lenin’s mentor, Plekhanov deeply regretted his actions and wrote in his political testament:
“In my life, like everyone else, I have made many mistakes. But my main, unforgivable mistake is with Lenin. I underestimated his abilities, failed to consider his true aims and fanatical determination, and treated his maximalism with condescension and irony. I introduced Lenin to the circle of famous and influential European social democrats, took care of him, gave him a great deal of help and thus enabled him to stand firmly on his feet. Moreover, at the RSDLP congress in 1903, I supported Lenin in the Lenin-Martov dispute that ultimately led to the birth of Bolshevism. Once born, Bolshevism quickly gained strength, partly because of the appeal of its tactics and slogans to the underdeveloped Russian proletariat, and partly because of Lenin’s extraordinary tenacity and titanic capacity for work. Unfortunately, it was already impossible to correct my mistakes. My mistake had already cost Russia dearly and would cost her dearly.
Lenin is the complete type who sees his goal and pursues it with fanatical persistence, stopping at no obstacles. He is very clever, energetic, extremely hard-working, not vain, but painfully proud and intolerant of criticism. To Lenin, anyone who disagrees with him is a potential enemy, undeserving of a basic culture of communication. He will do anything to achieve his goal, including an alliance with the devil if necessary. Lenin is a theoretician, but for an educated socialist his works are of no interest: they are not marked by elegance of style, nor by polished logic, nor by deep thought, but to an illiterate person they always make a strong impression by the simplicity of their presentation, the boldness of their judgments, the confidence in their correctness, and the attractiveness of their slogans.
Lenin is the Robespierre of the 20th century. But if Robespierre cut off the heads of a few hundred innocent people, Lenin will cut off the heads of millions. In this connection I remember one of my first meetings with Lenin, which I believe took place in the summer of 1895 in the Landolt Café. The conversation turned to the reasons for the collapse of the Jacobin revolution. I jokingly said that it collapsed because the guillotine cut off too many heads. Lenin raised his eyebrows and objected in all seriousness: “The Jacobin Republic fell because the guillotine cut off heads too seldom.” Robespierre’s fate is known. Lenin’s fate will be no better. But I do not wish him the fate of Robespierre. Let Lenin live to see the time when he will clearly understand the error of his tactics and shudder at what he has done.
The path of the Bolsheviks, no matter how short or long, will inevitably be marked by the falsification of history, crimes, lies, demagogy and dishonest actions. Everything that has been said about the Bolsheviks – their tactics, their ideology, their approach to expropriation, their unlimited terror – allows us to say with confidence: the collapse of the Bolsheviks is inevitable. The terror on which the Bolsheviks rely is the power of the bayonet. I admit that Lenin, who relies on total terror, will emerge victorious from the civil war he so persistently seeks. In that case, Bolshevik Russia will find itself politically and economically isolated and will inevitably turn into a military camp where the citizens are frightened by imperialism and fed on promises.
But sooner or later the time will come when the fallacy of Lenin’s ideas will become obvious to everyone – and then Bolshevik socialism will collapse like a house of cards… The future of Russia will be largely determined by how long the Bolsheviks remain in power. Sooner or later, it will return to its natural course of development, but the longer the Bolshevik dictatorship lasts, the more painful this return will be. … A country cannot be great if its people are poor. The wealth of a state lies in the wealth of its people. The true greatness of a country is determined not by its territory or even its history, but by its democratic traditions and the standard of living of its citizens. If its citizens are poor, as long as there is no democracy, the country is not guaranteed against social upheaval or even collapse”. From the “Political Testament” of G.V. Plekhanov, April 1918.

Nuclear war is inevitable, and it will happen this century. This is the price that all humanity will have to pay for having watched the growth of a cancerous tumor for 100 years with indifference. With the disappearance of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, their regime did not disappear. The tumor has progressed and in the last twenty years it has swollen with pus. Many people naively believe that with Putin’s disappearance, the regime will also disappear. Such a tumor does not dissolve. It can only be destroyed surgically. Ukraine is tired of waiting for the West to finally realize that it is useless to talk to sheep in human language, you need a whip or a club. The Soviet Union is an insane and zombified community of thieves and murderers. Naive Reagan and narrow-minded peasant son Gorbachev made the fatal mistake of breaking down the fence and letting the savages into Europe. Historians should recognize what happened as a second Tatar-Mongol invasion.
Mark Solonin, a former Soviet officer who obeyed the regime and became a revisionist of it after the collapse of the USSR, put it this way: ‘Integrating Russia into Europe is like transplanting a cancerous tumor into a healthy organism’. But he said this only after he left Russia. Living there he was afraid to say such things. Like millions of ordinary people living there.
19th century Russian writer Saltykov-Shchedrin:
1) ‘If I wake up in 100 years and they ask me what is done in Russia now, I will answer: they drink and steal…’.
He had a lot to say about the so-called Russian intelligentsia:
2) They wanted something: either a constitution, or sturgeon with horseradish, or to deceive someone…’.
A unique expert and seer, because all the vices and prophecies he picked up hit the target!
All these people who call themselves liberals and oppositionists, so-called foreign agents and other communist rabble, who ran away from their benefactor, and even recently shouted ‘Crimea is ours’! Nevzorov, who was Goebbels, to the dwarf and brought him to the Kremlin. Khodorkovsky, Yakovenko, Shvets, many other servants of the regime, Chekists, children and grandchildren of the party elite, who not so long ago were feeding at the trough – this is about you!
Lenin called such people ‘shit intelligentsia’. And he ordered to shoot anyone in the street who had a clean-shaven face and decent clothes. This was the essence of Lenin’s terror of 1918 – to use any pretext to start mass repressions, to provoke a civil war and organize genocide in it, to destroy all the dissatisfied and smart intelligent, to intimidate the rest, to drive them into the herd. Today another dwarf is successfully continuing this in practice. And millions were intimidated. And where are the liberals? They are sitting abroad, waiting for Ukrainians to do the work for them.
Recently, the Kremlin’s chief chatterbox, Solovyov, while ranting about the so-called Russian people, said that Putin is loved by the people because he is of the people. Without realizing it, the propagandist blurted out the truth in his empty talk. The Kremlin ghoul, in his passion for history, having dug up the vices of slaves, understood what they passionately wanted, what they had always longed for. They wanted to kill and rob, because that was what their ancestors had done! The thirst for murder had been in their genes since the time of Khan Mamay. Not to create, but to destroy! And dwarf has given it back to them. And that is why people love him!
A centuries ago Tsar Ivan the Terrible’s oprichniks fought robbers, dragged them to the rack. Tsar Peter fought them, dragging them into serfdom. All Romanovs indulged them, naively trying draggy drunkards and thieves to Europe. All Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and other troublemakers were Jews, foreigners, whose ancestors always did bad things and fought with those who gave them shelter. Therefore, in Russia they realized at once that only murderers and thieves could win power for them. They declared them as people of the high class and the first thing they did was to create a punitive structure, the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD, whose main function was and still is to protect the government from the people. And there are no people left, the intelligent and thinking people have been exterminated. The cowardly population remained!
It is foolish and naïve for the fleeing liberals to hope that with the overthrow of the Kremlin ghoul regime it will be possible to build a normal society there. It is impossible! The reason is not a lone sadist and a bunch of his servants. The reason is tens of millions of great-grandchildren of bandits and robbers. The former soviet actor Oleg Basilashvili, who is now in the fourth philosophical stage of his life, has finally admitted that the population of the Vatnik Empire is hopelessly and incurably ill. That if before many feared and opposed the regime and its punitive organ, the NKVD-KGB, now EVERYONE sends denunciations to the punitive structures with a sense of patriotic duty fulfilled.
The people there cannot accept that only the complete dismantling of the empire, its fragmentation into small territories where thieves will be destroyed by other thieves will dry up in them the metastases of imperialism and black envy, which have long since grown into metastases of black hatred for the whole civilized world.
It is a great mistake for the civilized countries to regard the Vatnik Empire as a civilized state. Believing that they too have a constitution and a supreme court to oversee its observance, they naively regard the population of the feudal empire as a people and a nation. All political observers are wrong in defining ‘putinism’ as the main problem, which will one day be replaced by democracy. The political system in the lands of this empire will remain a dictatorship of those who have seized power, as it has been since the time of first khans. It is naïve to think that new politicians will build power in a new way. All aspirants to power who were born in the empire of evil, lies and terror, stand in line, kicking their feet in impatience to try on the crown.
Perhaps the population of this miserable empire will have bloody riots ahead, perhaps they will gnaw each other’s throats for a piece of bread. But they themselves will never destroy the metastases of the tumor. It is their flesh, native to generations. Of course, they will repent and again beg for alms from other countries. And perhaps, seeing how they repent, the people of those countries will believe them and forgive. But Ukraine will never forgive them.
“The Rams are coming and beating the Drums. The skins for the drums provided by Rams…” Bertolt Brecht, German playwright.
© Copyright: Walter Maria, 2024 Certificate of publication No. 224122001022
With so much content and articles, do you ever run into problems with plagiarism or copyright infringement? I have a lot of unique content on my site that I’ve either written or outsourced myself, but it seems like a lot of it is popping up all over the internet without my consent. Do you know of any solutions to help reduce the number of copies of content? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you. You’ve touched on an important issue. As a writer, I come across it from time to time. People are people, with all their faults, and their vices cannot be fixed, not even in prison. As for plagiarism, when I write I try to find a theme that no one can copy my recognizable style.
The plagiarist would not risk passing off a novel by Hemingway or O. Henry as his own.