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THE WORLD IS RULED BY MADMEN (“The History for Dummies”).

Of all the predators on the planet, man is the most dangerous because nature has endowed him with reason. If an animal kills its prey to be satisfied, man kills all those who prevent him from being satisfied. After thousands of years of life on the planet, many species of predators became extinct, unable to adapt to the new conditions of the struggle for survival. Humans survived. Gathering into communities and choosing the most cunning and devious leaders, they subordinated the entire animal world to their power and turned to the destruction of their kind. Their bloodlust knows no bounds – if there are two humans will be left alive on the planet, they will continue to hunt each other.

The one who aspires to power realizes that he must capture the minds of the masses in order to subjugate those who would choose him as their leader. His tactic is to deceive his people in order to gain power over them. Maniacally ambitious, he turns to the works of the philosophers in search of a suitable theory to help him deceive the people with beautiful tales of a bright future. Having found such a theory, he throws verbal poison into the roaring crowd and, having gained the power he desires, begins to carry out his innermost plans. He knows that in the presence of an external enemy, the people rally around the leader. In the absence of an external enemy, the leader must fight with his own people. So he invents an enemy and prepares his war. He exploits political and religious differences, stirs up hatred among his people for the invented enemy. For the invented enemy, he uses diplomacy trying to convince him of his friendship. To attack him at the right moment.


All philosophers who created their doctrines ended their lives in an asylum, some of them committed suicide. The craziest of them once became the fetish of the crowd, glorified by it. Later they were overthrown by the same crowd and their names were forgotten. The crowd is driven by emotion. People trample on the idols they worshipped yesterday. In this drama of the incompatibility of the happiness of some at the cost of the blood of millions of others, the Supreme Being once bequeathed to man, “Thou shalt not kill“. For one cannot find happiness at the expense of the suffering of others.

Nature has punished many philosophers by depriving them of reason. The Russian classic Leo Tolstoy concluded: “The world is ruled by madmen. The reasonable either cannot or refrain…”. But who listens to the classics? People don’t want to listen even to God, even though they worship him.
The ideologue of the French Revolution, which plunged the country into the darkness of the bloody terror of the guillotine, was the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau. Having finished the next chapter of his work, he would run out into the street in ecstasy at what he had written, pull down his trousers, and shake his genitals in front of the public. For this, he was repeatedly beaten. In the works of psychiatrists, such a disease is called exhibitionism. But the madman’s ideas infected millions of minds! The twentieth century was the century of the triumph of the philosophy of madmen: Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Usher Ginsberg.


The German Jew Levi Mordehai (1818-1883), born in Prussia and hiding under the pseudonym Karl Marx, drew his knowledge from the delusional writings of Saint-Simon, Comte, and Fourier, creators of utopian socialism who shared wives and children. The creators of the doctrine ended their research in a madhouse, and Marx himself realized their model of socialism in his own family, by making a child with a family servant and transferring paternal rights for a child to his friend Friedrich Engels. But Marx wanted more. He dreamed of world recognition, of a humanity that would bow before the greatness of his thought:

“I will build myself a throne on a great cold mountain,
surrounded by human fear, where grim pain reigns.
Soon I will hurl my titanic curses upon humanity….
By accepting my teaching, the world will foolishly perish…”.

Marx, the grandson and great-grandson of Jewish rabbis, poisoned the minds by mixing the ideas of perverse philosophers with the misanthropic ideas of Talmudists. Did he create his doctrine for the happiness of nations? A schizophrenic was driven by his illness, one of the manic syndromes of which is megalomania. Marx created his work to satisfy his sick desires. He dreamed of immortalizing his name in history by drowning the world in blood. This vile doctrine, in which a madman pitted the poor against the rich, was called Marxism.



Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was also born in Prussia. His father and both his grandfathers were Lutheran pastors. Writing about the choosiness of a race, Nietzsche became a victim of his fabrications. The philosopher was sent to an asylum where he spent the last 11 years of his life. Nietzsche did not recognize himself as a German: “I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of dirty blood, certainly without German blood”. I wonder what Hitler himself and his Nazi leaders, who accepted Nietzsche’s philosophy as the ideology of a superior race, made of this philosopher’s confession?

Nietzsche’s and Marx’s fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers were religious preachers, which certainly became an influential factor in shaping the ideas of their political doctrines. Raised in families of religious theorists, ambitious and dreaming of world fame, Marx and Nietzsche learned from their ancestors the most important thing: to dream of their greatness, to create philosophies that would poison the minds of millions. Behind the loud phrases about the happiness of nations lay the real intention. Both philosophies expressed the same idea – power in the world should belong to a small, select group of people, while the rest should remain enforcers and slaves. The idea of the madmen Marx and Nietzsche was accepted by the bankers and politicians who rushed into the fight for world domination. Their revolutionary soldiers hurled slogans about the happiness of nations into the crowds, tantalized the imagination of the hungry and poor with the utopia of universal equality, and provoked them to destruction and killing. The mobs, mad with slogans and vodka, destroyed, robbed, and killed. Europe, infected by the plague of these theories, was devastated by revolutions and wars.



The philosophies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche spawned spiders that devoured each other in the struggle for leadership. The most bloodthirsty and tenacious spider was militant Zionism, which absorbed the ideas of both philosophers. In the twentieth century, the gnawing spiders for world domination cost the peoples of Europe several revolutions and two world wars in which more than a hundred million people died. In the Second World War, Marxist spiders gnawed at Hitler’s Nazism, after which Stalinist Communism convulsed for half a century until it died. After that, Zionism lost the backs it had been hiding behind and continued to make wars and conflicts on its way to world domination, revealing itself to the world in all its essence.

The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution of 10 November 1975, branded Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination. Condemned, stigmatized. It’s time to consign it to the dustbin of history. But no, they won’t flush Zionism down the sewer of human waste. They have succeeded in infecting their philosophy and subjugating those who aspire to world power in many countries. Who are they? Please, have a passion to continue reading. Zionism is alive because, unlike Hitler’s Nazism and Stalin’s Communism, which openly and violently imposed their ideas on other nations, it exists in two faces, which it presents to the world according to the situation. It is a mimicry of Zionism. In the history of Zionism’s duplicity lies the key to understanding many of the events taking place in the world today, the key to the conspiracy of a new world war that has already killed millions and continues to kill more millions of people.

The founder of this theory was Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), an educated secular Jew who lived in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the nineteenth century. Jews in their countries of residence have little interest in devoting their activities to society. They prefer to remain transient citizens, parasitic moneylenders, middlemen, brokers, and simply swindlers, seeking profit and balancing the legality of their deeds in the pursuit of that profit. The natural dislike of the native population for the parasites for their machinations was labeled anti-Semitism by the Jews themselves. Theodor Herzl, observing the socio-ethnic conflict maturing in society, came to the conviction that Jews would never be happy in the countries where they lived. Herzl formulated the conclusion that Jews needed their own country into a theory he called “Zionism,” after Mount Zion in Palestine, where, according to Jewish tradition, Jews lived thousands of years ago. In life, Herzl was emotional, writing plays, poetry and prose. Emotion is good for poetry, but bad for the researcher. Reading playwright Herzl’s reflections on the nature of anti-Semitism, it is difficult to call his conclusions objective.

For example, Herzl did not look for an answer to the question of why people do not like Jews, nor did he delve into the heart of the problem. He used what his emotions dictated to conclude. In his work “The Jewish State” he explicitly stated: “All nations who have Jews are overt or covert anti-Semites.

In other words, according to Herzl, all non-Jews are enemies of the Jews. Living in civilized Europe, which gave him the best education, published his books, and staged his plays in theatres, Herzl saw every passer-by as a potential enemy. A classic example of schizophrenia, with its persecution mania. But Herzl hadn’t seen a psychiatrist. This neglect of his health eventually cost him his life, and he died at the age of 44.

If Herzl had been more curious in his search for an answer to the main question of why people of all countries do not have good feelings towards Jews, he would have found the main Jewish vice – Jews love money! To understand the causes of what the Jews call anti-Semitism, Herzl should have read the works of the Jew Karl Marx, in which the author directly pointed out that “the Jewish God is money”. For saying this, the Jews called Marx an anti-Semite.

All in all, of all the vices that man has inherited from his ancestors, the love of money is not the worst. There are worse vices. But the Jews differ from other people in that the smell of money drives them mad. To get their hands on money they commit forgery, extortion, and murder – acts which the nations of the world have written into their penal codes as serious crimes.
So Herzl was not criticizing his fellow Jews. He was criticizing the Europeans for not wanting to love the Jews. And he dreamed of a country for the Jewish people where there would be no enemies. The idealist Herzl dreamed of the land of Palestine plowed by calloused Jewish hands. He probably dreamed of the happy faces of Jewish oil workers and Jewish metallurgists building Israel’s industrial might. The idealist had few associates, and Jewish bankers refused to lend money to such a dubious project. They never saw Jewish steelworkers in their sleep.

But Herzl’s idea of a state became popular and found support in Jewish circles. The first Zionist Congress, held in 1897 in the Swiss city of Basel, declared Herzl the father of the doctrine. This recognition did not satisfy the ego of the founder of the theory for long, as he immediately met an opponent. This turned out to be Usher Ginzberg, also an educated polymath, but unlike Herzl, who tolerated Western culture, Ginzberg was a religious fanatic. At the Congress, Ginzberg called Herzl not a Zionist but a demagogue and proposed a world revolution to be carried out by Jews in all the countries in which they lived.
Ginzberg saw the creation of a Jewish state not as an end in itself, but as a springboard from which the Jews would launch their campaign for world domination. This was supposedly bequeathed to them by their God and reflected in the Talmud. That is why Ginzberg called his Zionism practical, rejecting the utopia of the dreamer Herzl. Militant Zionism proposed by Ginzberg liked many of the delegates to that first congress. But not to all of them. And the Jews were divided.

Years of protracted debate followed, as the result of which Theodor Herzl, the founding father of the first utopian model of Zionism, died of illness in 1904. He died to the satisfaction of his opponents and collaborators. Usher Ginzberg won and in 1913, at the 11th Zionist Congress in Vienna, his program of practical Zionism was adopted as the political program of world Jewry.
The following year, 1914, war broke out in Europe, which became a world war. Thirty-eight of the world’s 59 independent states representing two-thirds of the world’s population were involved in the war. Is there a connection between the Zionist program adopted at the 11th Zionist Congress and the outbreak of the World War? Let’s not guess. The answer was given soon when all the revolutions that followed in the three empires during that war were financed by the most powerful bankers in Europe and America. Who warmly supported and embraced Usher Ginzberg’s practical Zionism. They were all following the instructions of their idol, Karl Marx, who stated in his work that revolutions are born in wars.

But Herzl’s utopian Zionism did not die with the author, it came in handy! Even after his death, the Jews made the emotional playwriter work for the nation. His theory is constantly used by militant Zionists to cover up their true intentions. Through this cover-up, Zionism manages to evade responsibility for its crimes. In debates where Zionists are accused of the imperialist nature of their political program, they turn a surprised face and refer to the peaceful Zionism of Theodor Herzl, according to which Jews aspire to live in their land, just as all other peoples have the right to their land on the planet.
Herzl’s utopian Zionism is a sheep’s skin that the wolf puts on after damaging, killing, and stealing. From this sheep’s skin the wolf, pretending to be a sheep, bleats piteously that everyone insults him and wants to eat him. People listen to this bleating and feel sorry for him. That’s what the wolf needs.

Usher Ginzberg’s practical Zionism – is not advertised, It is for internal use. It is the wolf itself, in its skin. Its claws protrude from all the peace initiatives of the Zionists of America, from all their wars and conflicts with other countries. This program of Ginzberg’s practical Zionism has become the political program of the secret world government of which we are about to speak. The theses for practical Zionism were collected by Usher Ginzberg over many years by studying the works of Jewish philosophers who lived in previous centuries. Here are just a few:

1) “Politics has nothing to do with morality. Whoever wants to govern must resort to cunning and hypocrisy. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and hypocrisy the rule…”
2) “…To master public opinion, it is necessary to confuse society by causing so many contradictory opinions from different sides, until the goyim get lost in their labyrinths and realize that it is best not to have any opinion on political matters that society should not know, because only the one who governs society knows them…”
3) “…It is necessary to constantly clash the views of peoples and governments in all countries, to overwhelm everyone with strife, enmity, struggle, hatred … hunger… need, so that the goyim see no other result than to resort to our monetary and total domination. But if we give the nations a respite, the desired moment is unlikely ever to come…”.



Jews have never followed the laws of the society that adopted them. They are governed by the law of the “Kagal” which commands them and demands that they obey that law alone. Disobedience threatens death or exile from the entire community, which is governed by the law of circularity, as in the Mafia or the Masons. This expulsion is called in Hebrew “herem” (חרם) and is the ultimate punishment. It consists of the total exclusion of the convicted Jew from the community. Such an outcast will not be able to obtain refugee status and social benefits for the carefree life of a parasite in any country in the world where corrupt governments bought by the Zionists guarantee these benefits.
Proof of this is the fact that Israel has no constitution. Jews claim to have a democratic state, but it is not. Israel’s political system combines elements of theocracy and democracy. A network of elected and unelected institutions interact in the power structure. As in neighboring Iran and other Middle Eastern countries

The Talmud, the main source of essential knowledge for a Jew consists of more than 70 volumes written by Jewish philosophers in different centuries. For example, the Talmud explains that all the money in the world belongs to Jews. Therefore, when a Jew takes (or steals) money from a goy, he is not doing anything illegal, he is only returning what belongs to him, it is his property. And any means of taking the money away is justified here. In a situation where a Christian is kept from temptation by the morality of his religion and the law, a Jew will break the law without hesitation, because the law is not written for him. This is the key to the success of Jews living in Christian countries. This is one of the reasons why Jews are in no hurry to go to the Israel they dreamed of. After all, there is no one there to deceive, everyone there is just like them! Only the naïve or criminals go there to escape punishment, knowing that they will not be extradited.

The Talmud forbids revealing one’s secrets to non-Jews. Anyone who violates this prohibition will face the death penalty. Here is an example: the doors of a Christian temple are open to all. But at the entrance to the synagogue, there are guards in civilian clothes, and if you are not a Jew, they will not let you in. Because Karl Marx revealed to the world the secret of his people by saying that the Jewish God is money, he was exiled and labeled an anti-Semite. But can a Semite be anti-Semitic at the same time?
This question was answered by the Jew Otto Weininger in his book ‘Gender and Character’, published in St. Petersburg in 1914: “The most monstrous anti-Semites are always found among the Jews themselves…”. History proved Weininger right. In Hitler’s government: Hess, Himmler, Heydrich, Frank, and Eichmann – all with a dash of Jewish blood – murdered their blood relatives. The former head of the Ku Klux Klan in Florida was Jewish. The seven nations of the Middle East are Semites. But Jews destroy their neighbors because they don’t want to share their Semitism with their blood relatives. A list of anti-Semitic Jews could take an entire book, and the leaders of Zionism themselves – Herzl, Ginsberg, Jabotinsky, and Ben-Gurion – have amply confirmed one important fact in their writings:

  • anti-Semitism was invented by them for political gain.
  • Anti-Semitism is a tactic of Zionism to cover up their deeds.
  • anti-Semitism is a Jewish business, a tool to extort money from the goyim.
    In conclusion, we can paraphrase Herzl by saying “All Jews who live in other nations are overt or disguised Zionists.”
    That is why people repeat mistakes, step on the same rake again, and do not remember what their intelligent and observant predecessors bequeathed to them. French politician and writer Eduard Drumont (1844 – 1917) :
    “…As long as a social science does not study Jewry until then humanity will not be able to cook nothing but cat’s chowder…”.


Published inHistory & Politics


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